Chapter 5 || He's Blithe

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Nandini's POV

I woke up the next day in a very unpleasant disposition.
The entire credit for that goes to that jerk Manik Malhotra ofcourse.
I still can't get over the fact that out of all the singers in the world he had to be my partner for this album.
Hell a 10 minute conversation with the guy had me barely resisting the urge to strangle him. How will I tolerate him for a month???

One thing is clear. At the end of the month it will be a miracle if both of us come out unscathed and alive. And if we actually manage to finish this album.
Grumbling I get ready for the studio knowing I have to face the jerk again today.

Not just today Nandini. You have to face him for a whole damn month.

I groaned.

Just my luck.

And to think I had actually been excited for this album.
All the excitement had gone out of the window now.

I got dressed and made myself some breakfast. I gulped down my omelette as fast as I could and checked the time. It was only 11. I decided to play the piano to kill time and then leave for the studio.
I was busy trying to master a new tune which might come in use for the album when a voice greeted me.


My face lit up.
I looked around to find a mini whirlwind in the name of Riya hurling herself at me with full force.

I laughed as I hugged Riya back.

Riya Sehgal is an orphan. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was 7. She got adopted by Akshat Bhai's cousin brother Saurabh and his wife Aakriti 5 years ago.
But Saurabh And Aakriti died in a car accident a year after adopting Riya. After that Akshat Bhai took responsibility for Riya and brought her to live with him in his home. At that time only Bhai and Arnav lived there and both were bachelors. It was pretty hilarious how they both tried to manage a 12 yr old girl.

I still remember how everytime Riya cried, Bhai used to get scared and used to rush to me for help and I would come over and calm her down. That was around the time when I met Riya for the first time. I remember her as the 12 yr old bewildered, scared and sad girl who felt that she had no one for her. I connected with her instantly as we were both orphans, so we understood each other's pain. Besides, I'd been through these feelings once.
Not only did she slowly start opening up and sharing her feelings with me but she succeeded in opening me up and I found myself sharing my pain over my parents with her.
This was how Riya and I bonded. And slowly she became as dear as a sister to me. Despite being seperated by 8 years we've always understood each other and after Akshat Bhai she's the second person who knows me so well.

"Nandiniiiiii!!" Riya said waving her hand in front of my face.
"Where are you lost??"

I snapped out from the thoughts of our past and smiled at Riya.

"Sorry Ri I spaced out." I said sheepishly while Riya rolled her eyes frowning at me.

"So I was asking you.. how did yesterday's meeting go?? Riya asked me excitedly.

I frowned.

"What happened?" Riya asked suspiciously.
"Everything went well right???"

"Don't even ask Ri." I muttered with a sigh.

"Tell me naaa Di the curiosity is killing me!!" Riya whined.

I chuckled at that.

"I'll fill you in on all that happened later, first tell me how is Sara now? Was she better today? " I asked worried.

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