Chapter 15 || I'm Touched, And For A Change I Don't Mean That Literally.

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This chapter is a bit long but I put all my heart and soul in writing it so I hope you guys like it :D 🙈🙈
It's very close to my heart <3

Manik's POV

I attack the punchbag one more time. I've been punching the thing since the past two damn hours. But it isn't giving the desired results. I punch it fiercely one more time but it does'nt help. The damn thing does'nt help to clear my mind like I planned for it to do. I still feel that weird, odd, clenching feeling I've been feeling since the past 7 hours. Since the moment I left the studio to be exact.
Just Once more.
I punch the bag one last time in the hopes that perhaps this time it will help in removing this stupid, uncomfortable apprehension I've been feeling. This time it does have some effect, if not the desired one. Because the thing bangs right into my face and knocks the wind out of me, taking no pity on this droolworthy face of mine.

"Ouch. Fuck this thing." I muttered, rubbing my wounded cheek and letting out a series of profanities.
This is how Cabir finds me when he enters my room. Far from taking pity on my swollen cheek the backstabber bursts into loud gaffaws the moment he guesses what happened.

Well. He's always had a twisted sense of humour.

"Shut the fuck up. I highly doubt you'll be laughing when I punch you in your balls which I will, if you don't stop laughing." I hissed, sullenly.

"Woah dude. What's up with the PMS issues?" Cabir chuckled.

I ignored him and went right back to punching the stupid bag until Cabir grabs it from me. I half had a mind to make him my punchbag as a compensation but then refrained from doing so thinking that the poor guy doesn't even have someone to express remorse on his death yet.

Sad, I know.

"What is it Cabir?" I spat, exasperated.

"Well I'll ask you the same question. What is it Manik? What's with the angry young man attitude? It doesn't suit a clown like you, anyway."

"Says the person who can't even manage one single coherent sentence without making a pathetic joke of it." I commented, rolling my eyes.

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment. Now tell me what's wrong?" He persisted.

I sighed. He was'nt going to let this go until I told him.

So I did.

"Hmmm. Well I admit that Nandini was in the wrong here. She should'nt have fired that girl. But don't you think you said a little too much to her? Besides for all we know that frame which the girl spoiled might have been very important for her."

I pursed my lips as I realised that Cabir's words made sense.
The way Nandini had been holding that frame.... It definitely was very special for her. Too bad I never got to see the picture inside it.

The harsh words I had ended up saying to Nandini made me wince. I guess I lost my temper and was a little bit too harsh on her.

And now I had this strange restless feeling of regret inside me which I was'nt liking at all.
Was it guilt?

"And now your feeling guilty." Cabir commented, as if he could read my mind.

I groaned in frustration, and snatched the punchbag from him. I punched it a few times to clear my head. After a while I steadied it, panting and turned back to Cabir.

"I guess I am." I agreed with a frown.

Cabir grinned and patted me on the back.

"Good. I thought I'll have to hit you a few times in the head with my hockey stick to make you realise that. But you turned out to be smarter than I expected."

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