Chapter 14 || This Is'nt Me. Atleast It Did'nt Use To Be.

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Happy Valentine's Day Guys!!! Here's an update as a gift for you guys on this day! :D
Unfortunately it's far from romantic so sorry about that! :P🙈
I'll give you a brief hint though. The chapters after this are only going to get better and better! ;)
Hope you guys like this update :)

Nandini's POV

I sprang up from my bed with a shudder, panting slightly. Tears flowed down my face as I recalled the nightmare. That same nightmare.
Will there ever be a moment when I'll stop having it anymore? Will there ever be a moment when I'll get free of this emptiness..this guilt? Its getting unbearable now. I sighed, running my hands numbly through my hair.
I glanced outside and grimaced seeing the dull raindrops fall outside my window. It was 9 in the morning but there was barely even any sign of daylight outside. All you could see was the dull darkness accompanied by the occasional lightning, caused by the storm.

I hate Rain.

Ironically there was a time when I used to love it more than anything. I used to love the beautiful earthly smell before the rain, the beauty of the raindrops as they trickled down on the ground, how everything appeared so fresh and breathtaking, the thrill of dancing around in the rain like a child not having a care for the world, jumping on endless puddles and laughing as they ruined my clothes and the refreshing dampness of the earth once it ended.

But now the love was long gone.

Now the rain was just a reminder of everything I've lost, of the pain I've suffered and the tears I've shed, The earthly smell before the rain made me wince, the raindrops falling on the ground appeared mocking, the idea of dancing around in the rain seemed disgusting, and the puddles were now an inconvenience.

I lost my love for the rain an year ago and now I hated it with a passion. The dull weather is just an omen that my following day is going to be terrible. It has only just started but I already have a bad feeling about it.


Groaning I got up from my bed and got ready. Once I was showered I made my way to my cupboard to decide on my clothes. While flipping through the all the clothes on the hangers my eyes fell on upon an old photo frame residing beneath all the clothes at the bottom of the cupboard.
I gulped and with trembling hands I reached to pull it out.
It was a picture of me and Arnav. The best one I had and the one closest to my heart. It was the day of our engagement and Bhai had told us to shut up and pose properly so that he could take some proper pictures of us. Me and Arnav were trying hard to keep a straight face which was hard to do considering the fact that Riya was making funny faces to make us laugh right behind Bhai. In the end after lots of laughs, reprimands, and exasperated scoldings Bhai managed to take this picture. It was of me sitting on the sofa with Arnav standing behind me. He was looking down at me and smiling warmly while I was looking upwards at him, laughing.
It was a candid shot and it showed just how happy and in love we were. And it was also one of our last moments of happiness as shortly after this day the accident happened.

I closed my eyes remembering those moments and a tear rolled down. I wiped it away hastily and pulled the frame closer to my chest. Words could'nt describe what it meant to me. I move my hands hesitantly down the glass of the frame and let them fall on Arnav's face. I traced his smiling face gently with my finger. If only he was here with me right now. I miss him so much it hurts. It hurts as much as it did a year ago and I know it will hurt just as much for the rest of my bland, dreary life.

I frowned as I ran my hands over the frame. The glass was getting weary and it had many scratches and dust particles on it. I carefully grabbed the frame in my hands and closed the cupboard keeping the photo frame with me.

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