Chapter 3 || The Melody Guy and Manik Malhotra's Day

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Nandini's POV

I am still in shock.

I walked out of the music store absentmindedly, almost forgetting to pay for the CDs. My mind continuously replaying that melody incident in my head.

I got into the taxi I had booked for coming to the store and back today, lost in thoughts.

What had happened to me when I heard that melody??

It was so absurd. I mean everything had been absolutely fine with me while I'd been selecting the CDs initially. So what had happened to me the moment that guy started playing that melody? It was like I was no longer in control of myself and was completely bewitched by that tune. I've heard many beautiful melodies and tunes before so what was it about this tune that made me loose my wits like that.

What was worse was that I got so engrossed in that melody that I forgot that I was standing on a ladder.
And ended up falling into a complete stranger's arms.

What is wrong with me?

I sighed confused as I put my head on the backseat of the taxi and looked outside the window at the buildings whirring by. My mind kept replaying that melody again and again in my head.

That melody was hauntingly beautiful. The kind of melody that you can listen to on loop for the rest of your life and not get bored. It had a certain charisma and a lure in it. I shake my head fed up with myself for thinking of that tune so much.

Why was I getting so obsessed with that tune? It was'nt like I was going to get to listen to it again. The thought made my heart clench.

God knows why I wanted to hear that tune again. But I did.

The taxi halted as I arrived home. I paid the driver, getting out and walking towards home. The Sehgal Enclave (Akshat Bhai's house) where I've been living since the past year is a big wide mansion, a combination of white and yellow in colour with marble statues and arched windows.
And my favourite place is the large garden in front of the mansion with its carefully planted diverse variety of flowers and trees and the big fountain gurgling in the middle of the garden with a couple of benches near it.

Yes you guessed right. Akshat Bhai's rich.

He's been doing very well in his post as the CEO of the Sehgal Empire which I'm proud to say he's got to unbelievable heights starting literally from scratch in merely 6 years.

To say that I'm proud of my brother would be an understatement.
He's my idol the only person I look up to and trust more than my life. I can't thank my lucky stars enough to have him in my life. He, Kritz and Riya are my only family and I loved them more than my life.

Thinking this I smiled slightly walking into the house pleased that atleast my mind had finally distracted itself from the melody even if it was only temporarily.

Great. The melody again. Why Can't I get it out of my head. It was like it had put a spell on me or something.

I put the CDs I got from the store on the table and walked upstairs to my room. My eyes fell on my piano that sat in my room invitingly.

I contemplated for a while.

I looked at the time. It was 5 PM. So I had some 2 and half hours to myself as I had to reach the studio by 8.

So I walked over to the piano taking out its cover and sitting on the stool next to it. I meant to play the melody I'd been trying to play yesterday. But once my hands fell on the keys I found myself unwittingly deciphering the keys for that Melody. I could'nt help it. I might never hear it again. And I did'nt want to lose it. After a few days the melody would start to fade from my mind and I did'nt want to forget it. I wanted to remember it.

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