Chapter 19 || The Revelation

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Not proof read! So please excuse all the typos until I correct them ;)
You guys need to tell me how this chapter is or it will break my heart. Sachiii. Because this has to be the toughest chapter I have ever written :(
I hope you get the same goosebumps reading it which I got writing it!!
Go on now, go ahead and read.
Sorry for the heaviness in the chapter though. It's a serious one :)
Added the above song because I am in love with it! Hope it seems suiting during the last part of the chapter as well ;)

"There's a heavy heart, waiting for someone to unload it, behind every hidden tear and a heartbreaking tale, waiting for someone to hear it, behind every broken heart." -M

Manik's POV

We pulled into the Sehgal Mansion some 20 minutes upon leaving Cabir's house.

"You know... I think I should start having every dinner of mine here. The Sehgal Mansion seems to be becoming my own personal Bistrot Chez Rémy now." I joked, as Nandini and I walked over from the front porch towards the door.

"Ratatouille's Reference? Seriously?" She exclaimed, laughter in her eyes.

"Cabir loves that movie." I responded, in my defense, "He's made me watch it atleast 4-5 times." I confessed with a shudder.
"Though I prefer Kung Fu Panda." I added with a grin.

"Ofcourse you do." She said, rolling her eyes, "He's obsessed with food, and your intent on following his footsteps."

"Don't get your hopes too up though Malhotra." Nandini warned me, a playful glint in her eyes, "Or you might make it a habit of counting on us for your food. You never know when I might kick you out." She added, shooting me a mock threatening look.

"Ooooooh, I'm scared." I drawled, putting on a fake terrified look and laughed as Nandini playfully punched me on the shoulder.

We rang the bell and within seconds the door sprung open and a servant ushered us inside. There was a grim look on his face. I looked at him curiously, wondering what was up. Nandini, however did not notice the look on his face and walked inside the house, faintly distracted.

"There's something I might want to warn to you about Kritz's friends..." Nandini's voice trailed off as we stepped into the living room. I watched her eyes narrowing as she took in her guests. I turned as well, to find a young man sitting on the sofa with an elderly couple seated beside him. I frowned, sensing something wrong. This didn't exactly seem like the usual crowd for a dinner party. Instead, seeing the manner the primly dressed man was seated between his parents, it seemed more like..... a marriage proposal?

But for whom? Well, obviously not for Kritika, and it definitely can't be for Riya...... so was it for Nandini?

I know it's not any of my damn business, I had no right to decide whether Nandini should marry or not, so why did the fact that a marriage proposal had come for her arouse this strange tumult inside me like someone had punched me in the gut and thrown me down the Eiffel Tower?
Fine, I'm exaggerating.
But I was feeling strangely furious and infuriated for some reason.

What is wrong with you Manik? This is Nandini's life, she can date or marry whomsoever she chooses, you have no say in the matter, You should be happy for her instead, I berated myself, shaking the uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

I looked around to find Kritika bringing refreshments for the guests in her hands, a troubled look on her face. The troubled look changed to stricken upon seeing Nandini and she began to look downright uncomfortable.
I turned to Nandini and was taken aback on seeing the cold and hard look on her face as she looked on at the guests.

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