Chapter 12 || Meeting The Sehgals

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Manik's POV

We were all seated in the dining room, while the servants served the food. I was actually controlling the urge to lick my face in anticipation as I admired the dishes. I have to admit the Sehgals have pretty good taste. The dishes comprised of an appealing dish of potato, white pasta, fried rice, a bottle of wine and a dish of butter chicken, the delicious aroma of the food filling the room in an appealing manner.

Woah Man.

For food like this I can tolerate not one but 10 Nandinis.

Wait what?

Ok fine I was exaggerating. One Nandini is enough to make me want to pull my appealing hair out. 10 would be beyond horrifying. I just got carried away seeing all that food.
Um I guess I should finally divert my attention from the food and focus on the Sehgals for a bit.

The Sehgal Family turns out to be very different from what I had been expecting to see and no I am not just talking about their food choice for a change.
Knowing Nandini, I had expected them to be a bunch of snobbish, proud and rude people.
Which would have made sense since then I would have easily been able to place where exactly Nandini gets her attitude from. But surprisingly they turned out to be the opposite.

Her brother Akshat Sehgal turns out to be a good natured, handsome, amiable and intelligent man, his eyes twinkling with good humour. I had only just met the guy but I already liked him. He seemed a fun loving, daring, and adventurous kind of person. The contrast between him and his sister, Nandini was surreal.

How could a snappy, rude, and obnoxious girl have such a kind, humorous, and easygoing brother? It was strange.

The relationship between Nandini and Akshat was heartwarming, making it all the more bizzare for me. Their relation seemed even more stronger than my own bond with my family.
The beautiful bonding between the two would be obvious to anyone's eyes. The concern and love in Akshat's eyes for his sister was apparent for the world to see. And the affection went both ways. It was obvious from the way Nandini interacted with her brother, just how much she loved and respected him. She actually smiled when she talked to him and their hugs were not the show of formality, the forte of every fake family, but a display of genuine love and affection. The rude, callous and indifferent Nandini was gone when she was with her family. She was almost a different person.

With Akshat's wife Kritika, however she did'nt seem that close. Not that they were'nt close, they shared a pretty good bonding but not as strong as the one she shared with her brother. Though it was apparent that Kritika did care alot about Nandini.

Kritika Sehgal did seem to fit my initial impression of the Sehgal Family a tiny bit. She seemed a little snobbish and proud but not too much. She was pretty beautiful, with her long hair, dark brown eyes and an excellent taste in outfits. I had a feeling she would be perfect for the kind of crowd my mother liked to keep.
All in all she seemed a sharp, classy, and pleasant lady though it was surprising that Akshat would choose her for a life partner seeing that they were so different.

The rapport she and Akshat shared was pretty hilarious to watch, man. She would rebuke him over something and he would retaliate smoothly in a smug manner, making her sulk and having him laugh at her. It was actually cute and enjoyable to watch and I have to admit, pretty entertaining. Hanging out with the Sehgals was'nt going to be as bad as I had previously thought I guess.

Seeing the way Nandini behaved with her family proved just how much she loved them. She was cheerful around them and even joked around at times, much to my shock and amazement. But even with them it seemed as if she still had a wall over herself which she only let down a little bit but never completely. The wall was faint but it was definitely still there, never gone not even with her family. This girl was just becoming more and more of a mystery.

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