Chapter 11 || I Wish That Lamppost Falls On Him

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Nandini's POV

"Wait!!!" I called, raising my arm, frustrated as yet another taxi whipped past me, the driver taking one wary look at me and shifting his gaze back on the road, ignoring me.

How dare he!!!

"Close your mouth Nandini. We don't want a swarm of bees making their home inside it do we? Well actually I would love that but I highly doubt you will." Manik said in a sing song voice, his voice barely restraining his suppressed laughter.

I have been standing on the road in the middle of nowhere for 45 minutes, and not a single taxi has granted me the favour of a ride, god knows why. And now there are hardly any more coming, and I'm stuck with no options except either to walk home or to take a ride with The Biggest Jerk also named Manik Malhotra, and I would rather stand in the middle of a crowd and yell Justin Beiber's songs than enter his Lamborghini and ride home with him.

He's been following me in his car, these entire 45 minutes, chuckling as I go deeper and deeper into roads, I have no clue about, to escape from him, all in vain.

So now I'm lost, smack in the middle of nowhere, no phone cause I forgot it in my car (how pathetically cliche right? Ugh!!) with no one other than the guy whom I would happily drown in his own spit with. The asshole is laughing like a hyena everytime another taxi ignores and whips past me.

He's sitting in his car, with his elbows wrapped around the steering wheel, watching me like I'm the Finals of the T20 World Cup. I just want to push the lamp post, residing beside his car, down so that it falls right over his beloved car, crushing both of them. But unfortunately, I don't have that amount of strength. I start panting after barely lifting a chair and moving it around, forget having the stamina to push a lamppost and make it fall on him.

My life could never suck any more than now.

I snap out of my murderous thoughts by the sound of a taxi coming up from the corner.

I let out a sigh of relief.


I'm going to make this one stop for me no matter what.
So I moved my raised arms urgently to catch the driver's attention. I moved onto the road from the pathway almost standing in front of the car, in order to block it.

It worked.

It stopped.


I ran towards the door, the driver gave me a bewildered look. I was just about to tell him where I needed to go when his eyes looked beyond me and widened. He hastily turned, avoiding me and was off without a word.

I am pretty sure my jaw hits the ground.

Open mouthed, I turn around behind me where the driver had glanced to see Manik hastily putting his middle finger down.
I gasped.

"You!!!!!" I fumed, outraged and marched towards the jerk , sitting smug inside his car.

"You showed your middle finger at him!! So that he goes away!!" I was too angry for words.

"Wait a sec. So that's why none of them are stopping for me!! You are doing this to every taxi passing aren't you???" I gaped at him, my hands clenching into fists.

He seemed to be trying hard to stifle his laughter and failing utterly.

Jerk. Dimwit. Moron. Twit. Donkey.

I wanted to continue with my extremely lame vocabulary but was snapped out of it by the sound of the idiot's laughter echoing through the silent street.

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