Chapter 9

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~Carson's pov~

Threw out the night i would scream while i was sleeping.
Im in the hallway at school. Im just standing there waiting on Noah i think. I open my locker and Someone comes up next to me and puts their arms around my waist. They start to kiss my neck. They kiss it really hard to where i moan a little. "Nice to see you too babe." I say and turn around amd its hayes and Taylor is behind him. "Get off me Hayes "i say trying to get out of his grip but he holds me tighter. I scream and they pull me out to a van and rape me...
-End of dream-

I open my eyes seeing Hunter in front of me looking at me and she looks scared. I notice that im crying when i feel a tear fall. "Um.. Carson are you ok??" Hunter asked me still scared to death. "Yea it was just a nightmare " I say and get up. "Do you need in the bathroom "i ask and she says "no, do you want me to help you put on your bag for your cast?" "um no imgood but thanks."i say and go into the bathroom.
After i got out i put on a red sleeveless dress and black sandals. I put on a little makeup. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. After Hunter got out of the shower she put on a light white dress and white flats. She put on a little makeup and straightened her hair too.

After that we ate and Noah drove us to school. When we got to school Cam, Mac, Hayes, Shawn,Alex and Nash were all together talking. Noah helpped me out of the car and Hunter gave me my crutches and we walked up the steps. "Hey beautiful." Alex said and gave me a hug. "Hi "i say. "You look gorgeous " Cam says and hugs me. Than Nash , Shawn, and Mac hug me. " Want to walk me to class ." i asked Cam cause we needed to talk. "Sure but is it ok with Noah?" cam asked and noah said, "Yeah it fine." and kissed me and said "love you babe." "love you too." i say back and Cam walks me to my locker first than to class.

~Shawns pov~
All i know is when i walked back to the table people were yelling at each other and other students were yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT." i ran back over and asked cam what happened. " Maggie got a group of girls to stand on her side while She yells at Carson and a minute ago Maggie was hitting carson and they we're starting to fight until me and Noah got Carson off of Maggie. Than Maggie started to talk shit and the girls in her group were saying that they were going to gang Carson so when the girls on maggies side got up All of us got up and well thats why all of us are up and yelling." He says and than all of a sudden we here girls screaming and i look and see that Hunter , Alex , and Carson were trying to get Krissy off of some girl that was earlier saying she could take Krissy and beat her ass.

~Carsons pov~
During lunch maggie decided she was going to start stuff with us but this time she had a group with her. A minute ago me and maggie were going at it for the 3rd time. Than Cameron and Noah got me off of her. Than they girls that were with maggie started to say that they were going to gang me so i said," Bring it on ." than the girl that had recently said she could take on krissy got into my face and punched me so krissy got up and was beating the shit out of her. I took me , alex, and hunter to get her off of that girl. Than a big fight broke loose and Mac Alex Hunter Jayla Taylor and Jayden get into a fight with the rest of the girls and maggie decided she was going to go for me and when she came over to me i had so mich anger that I puncher so hard she hits the ground and is nocked out. "WHAT NOW BITCH?!"i say and than all the boys: Noah, Jack and Jack,Shawn, Cam,Nash,Hayes,Carter,Kian, Matt, and Aaron to get all the girls to stop fighting.

~After school~
So all of us got suspended cause a stupid kid got everything on video but we didnt start it so we didnt get suspended long just 3 days.

~2Weeks later~
Me and Noah are outside walking around cause we wanted to skip this class since it doesnt count. We stop by the gates and noah sits on the ground. I come up be hind him lean over and kiss him. It was soft but passionate . Than he kissed me really hard and i kissed him back . The warmth of his mouth made me feel like i was going to loose myself.

We pulled away and he pulled me onto his lap and said," i love you so much!" and kisses me and i kiss back with force than pull away and say ,"I LOVE YOU TOO!". We kissed for awhile than we walked back into the school. When we got in there the bell had just rang for classes to be dismissed so we weren't going to get into trouble for being let out early.

Sorry if its to short for you, i hope you liked it . plzz comment and vote.
Polyvore account: jessica101turner
Other wattpad account: taylorswiftya

Dedicated to : ljiscool243, HonestlyBaeHey, and Trancy_Alois23

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