Chapter 23

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{2 months later}

- Carson pov-

I'm still with Cameron cause everything between us is good but there is a bad thing that we'll have to deal with forever and that is the fact that the baby is Noah's . The baby is twins its a boy and a girl. I feel huge but i guess that happens sometime. Me and Cam are laying on the couch snuggling and watching the Notebook. "Babe are you worried about whats going to happen after the baby is born?" I asked Cameron and he looked at me funny than said,"Nope cause I'll always be here for you and that's all that matters." "I know but are you worried that we're not going to make it and what about Noah what about him. He is the father." i said . I don't even know why I'm upset over this . Oh I know its me being fucking prego and its been messing me up. " Babe are you okay?" Cameron asked and i looked at him and cried . I mean i really am worried about him coming for the babies and me. "shh baby shh everything's going to be okay he's not going to come anywhere near you . Everything's okay shh shh . Its all okay." He says in my ear as he pulls me closer to him. "I love you baby girl." he says and kisses me ." i love you too". I said and i kiss back and its so passionate. We kiss for awhile and it was so amazing like always but for some reason even better this time. Than i felt a movement in my belly and i smiled into the kiss and so did cam . "did you feel that?" I asked as i pull away from our kiss. "yea they seem very happy" . He says and kisses my nose and i giggle and say," their only happy when I'm happy." "Well i guess we should keep doing this." he says and kisses me and than says," at least for them " and kisses me more . We ended up kissing for awhile cause we liked how the babies would move around it it felt good. We ended up falling asleep on the couch till the next morning.

-Hayes pov-

All week I've been thinking about Carson . She's dealt with so much and she's still going sting but the only thing that i really wish i had still with her was our relationship. It was the best thing ever .It made me so happy. She was the best kisser, she was so funny , she was my best friend. SHE'S STILL MY BEST FRIEND. I miss all of that. Cameron won't even let me see her unless she wants to see me. I don't know how I got to not even seeing her anymore but I guess I deserve it since I did have sex with her while she was intoxicated and I wasn't. I decided to call her. It ringed a few times than someone picked up. "Uhh hello?" a males voice asked. I recognized the voice it was Cameron who had picked up the phone. "Uhh can I talk to Carson?" I asked hoping that he said yess but he didn't. "I'm sorry man but she's sleeping maybe later sorry." he said . "oh ok never mind." I say and hang up. Damn it of course he's with her he's always with her now a days. I wish that baby was mine. Than he'd have to let me see her right? That question left me wondering for awhile until there was a knock on my door. "Come In. " I say and Its Nash and Krissy. "Hey are you ok you haven't came out at all in the past 3days.?" Nash asked and I nodded my head "yes" and than he said," well you look confused but angry. What's wrong buddy?" " just thinking about Carson." I say and look away. "Its okay to be worried and all and think about her I mean everyone is. " Krissy says . "Yea all last night I was up thinking about her cause I was worried about her." Nash says . "I'm nit worried I'm just angry that she's not with me and the baby isn't mine." I say on the verge to cry alittle . " I don't think you'd be ready for what she's taking on . Also you hurt her twice Hayes and I think she needs to be with Cam while she goes threw this. You shouldn't want to have the issues she has right now."Nash says and I get angry. "You know I didn't mean to hurt her and I think I could take on anything with her even if the baby wasn't mine or was mine . I think she belongs with me." I said all angry. " Hayes I know you didn't mean to do what you did and I know you want to be with her but she's happy with Cameron and you know that also the baby's would be an issue for you." he says and than I ask, " how so?" " if you thought one baby was hard try having two." Krissy says. "Wait! What?!??!" I said and than said," How do you know she looks normal like when people have one kid." " Hayes she bigger than she looks there's two little Carson baby's in there." Nash says . "Wow. Um I'd like to be alone again." I say and they say,"okay" than Nash says," If you need us you know where we are. " and than they leave. Wow two baby's she said one how could she not tell me there was two baby's.

Ok so Next chapter will be the end of the book. I know it's too early to say goodbye so I've decided to write a sequel. Yes a sequel and it's going to be called " All You Need is Love " . hope y'all liked the book. Plz comment and vote. I'm happy that I'm finally getting to finish a book. Yall are awesome

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