Chapter One

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Lusaldi Darkmoon was rushed by Stormtroopers of the First Order, along with the rest of her neighbors, toward the center of the town on her home planet of Jakku. What they were after she didn't know but she could feel in her bones that it wasn't going to be good. She knew she was going to be killed, all of them were going to be. Lusaldi had a feeling that something was going to happen ever since the stranger known as Poe Dameron showed up with his orange and white droid a few hours prior, a BB-8 model at that, to meet with the town elder Lor San Tekka. She had always had this power growing up. She was able to foresee the death of her mother and father a week before the scavengers had fought for the same steal for rations. Her brother had gone off to join the rebellion and told her to stay on Jakku, that it would be safer that way, and that he would return for her when she was twenty-one years of age. On the day he was the leave in the early morning she had another vision of his body floating down through water, a big fiery explosion taking place above. He didn't think anything of it and left for D'Qar anyway. A year passed and she would get regular updates from him about his training. He had made it up to the rank of Captain in the resistance and was known to other speeders as Green Leader. In his last letter he had told her that he would come for her in two weeks. That would've been...if he was still alive. He was killed in a training exercise when the guns on another trainee X-wing misfired hitting his ship causing him to crash into the lake he was near at a high speed. His body had never been recovered. So she welcomed this happening when she saw all of the people she knew being slaughtered by Stormtroopers. She had nothing to live for anymore. Jakku was a retched place and she had nowhere else to go, and she could much less afford a home in another system let alone have the money to get to another.

She was forced down to her knees in the center of the town along with everyone else. Stormtroopers surrounded the group with guns ready to fire. A silver Stormtrooper made her way off of First Order ship with, what appeared to be man dressed in all black, hooded, with black mask, something like what the Sith lord Darth Vader use to wear. Seeing the man approach she grunted in pain as another vision graced her mind. She saw the man in front of her without his mask on smirking, but that's all of his face she could see in the vision. He was slowly torturing her trying to drill some sort of information into her head, trying to get her to believe in something she refused to believe in. As she slowly came out of her vision she realized that she had fallen forward into the sands of Jakku out of the crowd of people. She looked up to see the man in all black staring at her. Dameron was on his knees before him and appeared to be in a bit of pain. He walked around Dameron and made his way slowly to where she was as she slowly pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. Her short choppy black hair hid her dark eyes from his gaze as he leered menacingly over her body. "Now what do we have here?" His deep evil voice snarled through the mask. "A pathetic scavenger begging for her life perhaps?" He chuckled when she remained silent, but something pinged in the back of his mind that this girl was different than all of the other scavengers in the town. There was something almost Jedi about her, but that was impossible. Luke Skywalker had tried to rebuild the Jedi Order by training other force-sensitive individuals the ways of the force. When he had turned dark, however, he had killed all who had been learning from Skywalker leaving none left. But here he was, in the presence of yet another force-sensitive in this pathetic girl, a bit of scavenger scum. The only question plaguing his mind at this point was what to do with her? "Smart girl, keeping your mouth shut, as is proper in the presence of a Commander of the First Order." He kicked her in the gut hard causing her to fall to her side with a grunt of pain. "But we didn't come this far for etiquette, now did we scavenger scum?" He walked away over to the silver Stormtrooper and spoke in a low tone before speaking louder for the villagers to hear. "Finish up here Captain Phasma."

The Captain pointed at Lusaldi as two Stormtroopers led Dameron to the ship behind the darkly dressed man. Two other storm troopers quickly walked over and pulled her up to her feet dragging her as well to the Order's ship as Phasma spoke. "On my signal." She cringed hearing guns begin to fire as innocent civilians were slaughtered one by one just as they had been in her vision followed by a huge explosion of a blaster beam hitting the communication tower in the center of the town. She was brought with Dameron to the cargo bay where all the other Stormtroopers would eventually come to be shuttled back to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer .

She was forcefully shoved down to sit upon a crate in the large room, Dameron directly across from her. Her dark eyes, full of rage and fire, glared upon the man. It was his fault, had he not shown up and led the Order to her quaint little village, none of this would be happening. Those people she had known all of her life wouldn't have been slaughtered like a bunch of animals. "Don't worry about this doll, I'll get us out of here. I've gotten out of many of scraps in my days."

"Don't call me doll, rebel scum." She hissed causing a few of the Stormtroopers who slowly began to file into the bay to stop and stare at her. It was some bold talk for a scavenger who was living on a planet loyal to the Republic.

"I'm sorry what did you just call me?!" Dameron asked in shock, his coffee brown eyes going wide. "You can't seriously be siding with them?!"

"Who said I was? Everything was fine until you showed up!" She yelled standing up causing the Stormtroopers in charge of guarding the two to take an attack stance in fear of her running. Lusaldi shot the pair a sinister glare before turning her fiery gaze back to Dameron. "Now thanks to you, a lot of innocent people are dead. Good people, people with families."

"Look kid, I know it was tough to be dragged away while these killers murdered your fam-"

"Do not speak of them in that manner!" She yelled lunging at Dameron. The Stormtroopers took hold of Lusaldi after she landed a swift punch to Dameron's face. "I have no family. They're all dead." She sneered.

"Well of coarse the entire village was slaughtered!" Dameron growled, rubbing his jaw. Women.

"They've been dead since long ago." She spoke a little quieter this time as the Stormtroopers forced her to sit once again. This caught Dameron's attention causing him to look up at the girl across from him. Her jet black hair hid her eyes, but the pain she felt was evident on her face. "I've had visions like this my entire life. People I care about I witness getting killed, then soon after the vision speaks truth in every sense of the word. My parents were murdered as I watched when I was seven, my brother only recently in a training accident. All I had left were the people in that village. Lor San Tekka was the one who took me in after my brother left to join the rebellion..." He voice trailed off. Dameron couldn't believe what he was hearing. It seemed as though everything this girl ever cared about was slowly stripped from her. Family and friends. It was no wonder she only managed to feel the emotions of pain and hatred toward others, but that was unhealthy. According to what General Organa had spoken of, that was how Jedi Knights and Masters went from the Light to the Dark side, emotions were dangerous to them. At this point all he wanted to do was help the poor girl in any way that he could, but she seemed as if she was welcoming whatever fate awaited her upon the Finalizer. Lusaldi lifted her gaze from the floor and turned it back to Dameron, the fire once again locked within her gaze. "But now he too is gone and you are left to blame."

Dameron looked down, unsure of what to say as the ship, now full of Stormtroopers, left the stratosphere of Jakku behind. The lights flickered relentlessly making the tension in the room all the more thicker. He sighed before slowly looking up. "Look kid...I know I can't bring back your family, or Lor San Tekka, or anybody else in that village but there is one thing I do know. These people, The First Order, their bad news. They will kill us as soon as they get what information they need from us and the killing won't stop there. Hell, it hasn't even started here, it started long ago with the Sith, then the Empire and now the Order. These people won't stop until the entire galaxy is under their control, no matter how many star systems they have to destroy. Many more innocent people are going to die, and I'm sorry that many of which have been close to you, but you can't let anger control you. Once you do that..." Dameron sighed as the ship docked within the Finalizer. He was forcefully pulled up by two Stormtroopers, the Rebel's gaze still locked with the scavenger's. "Then they've already taken control of you. That's when you've caved to dark side." Dameron was taken off the ship and led to the prison block. He wasn't sure if what he said would've calmed the girl in any sort of way, but so long as he got through to her somehow, made her reconsider what it was that the Resistance was trying to protect, then he had done his job. I swear kid, I'll get us out of here. He thought as he was shoved into a cell containing a Torture Chair. Now began his planning for them to escape, now began the war he knew had been coming.

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