Chapter Sixteen

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Kylo made his way to the bridge undenounced to what was going on in the cell block at that very moment. It annoyed him dearly that General Hux wanted to see him at that moment. If it were up to him, he would've stayed in his room and continued his work on strengthening Lusaldi's force connection and concentration. "Ah, Prince Kylo, so nice of you to take time out of your 'busy schedule' to join us." General Hux stated, standing at a control panel with one of the commanders next to him.

"This better be good Hux." Kylo growled.

"What? The threat of an impending battle with the Resistance not good enough to pull you away from whatever it was you were doing?" Hux retorted.

"For your information Hux, I was in training Lusaldi." Kylo stated matter-of-factly.

"Were you now?" Hux asked with a raised eyebrow. "Interesting...very interesting indeed."

Kylo quickly grabbed his lightsaber and poised it at Hux's neck. "State your mind Hux."

"Oh it's nothing really." Hux said in a calm tone. "It's just I went by the training room myself to discuss the impending battle with you and you two were nowhere to be seen. So the question at the time was, where had the prince and the scavenger girl disappeared to? And especially since you just told me you came from training. So where were you in the middle of the night? Surely not outside, and this base only has the one training facility."

"You best hold your tongue right now unless you want to be-"

"So the only logical solution was to walk down the officer's quarters block in search of the missing prince." Hux continued. "The scavenger's quarters were completely empty so the only other place to look would've been your quarters. Upon walking by I heard what sounded like a, oh what is it...a female moan perhaps?"

"SHUT UP!" Kylo screamed slamming his lightsaber down on the control panel just barely missing Hux's hand as he was typing something on it, completely destroying the panel.

Looking up at Kylo Ren with a look of annoyance, Hux closed his eyes and shook his head. "Really Ren, there is no need to become violent over this. After all, I wasn't the one..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Kylo screamed hitting the panel multiple times causing the other officers in the room to evacuate in fear of Kylo's rage being extracted upon them.

Hux shook his head and clasped his hands together behind his back. Kylo's behavior had only confirmed his suspicions about the prince and the scavenger. "I think that with this kind of rage riddled behavior, only confirms my suspicions."

"Which would be...?"

"Take off the helmet." Hux stated. Not wishing to raise anymore suspicions, Kylo complied. Hux chuckled and shook his head at Kylo's sweat matted hair. "So why would a person who so obviously wasn't training directly beforehand be drenched in sweat? The only solution is, is that you were getting busy with the scavenger. Am I right?"

Kylo only glared at the general. "Now you listen well Hux, Lusaldi and I had been training her hand to hand combat skills, I hit her in the gut extremely hard making her queasy so I brought her back to my room to rest and to make sure she was going to be okay. Wretched girl doesn't deal well with pain and was moaning like a ghost." Kylo growled.

"Why not just bring her to the medical bay then? Or her own room?"

"You know very well that my quarters were the closer of the two locations. The inferior scavenger looked like she was going to keel over before she got anywhere else so it seemed like the ideal location."

"Oh if that is all, then surely you wouldn't mind her submitting to a little test then would you?" Hux questioned with an amused smirk. "If nothing out of the ordinary appears, then I will drop all of my suspicions. If not...well, I believe Snoke would enjoy hearing about the fact that his star pupil has feelings for his padawan." Hux said turning on his heal heading for the door.

"And just where are you going Hux?"

"Why to find the scavenger girl of course." Hux said turning to face Kylo. "You insist that nothing has happened so a simple test should be quiet painless, should it not?" Hux smirked when Kylo remained silent. "I say, should it not?"

"I suppose not..." Kylo growled.

"Alright, well this should be quiet effortless then. Good day to you Prince Ren." Hux bowed slightly before leaving, an evil smirk plastered upon his face. Checkmate Ren, I finally got you. He thought leaving the room.

Kylo breathed heavily and angrily. HOW THE FUCK DID HUX FIND OUT?! They had been so careful with the way they had been sneaking around, but now they were caught between a rock and a hard place, if she submitted to the test, they would find his... well... in her, but if she didn't submit to it, it would look even more suspicious. Kylo opened his lightsaber and continued pounding away at the already semi-destroyed control panel. Two Stormtroopers entered the bridge just then to talk to the General Hux, not knowing he had left, only to find Kylo locked in a fit of rage. They looked and Kylo and shared one glance with one another before slowly backing out of the room, not wanting the Prince to lash out at them as well.

Lusaldi stood in the middle of the room, using the training droid to practice her blaster beam blocking with her darksaber. Kylo had told her to start practicing with the saber on her own seeing as how things were starting to get heated with the Resistance and the First Order and it was going to be taking his focus away from her training and she was barely training in the art of lightsaber combat. She quickly moved her saber in front of the beam protecting herself but was caught off guard when the droid sent another beam out immediately following. She winced softly, ignoring the slight burn before continuing the program. She looked up when she heard the door whoosh open to see the General walk into the room. "General Hux." She stated with no emotion in her voice continuing with her training program. She was happy she took that shower upon returning to her room, at least the fact that she had just had sex with Kylo wouldn't be too obvious. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Just thought I'd stop by." Hux said walking through the room, glancing down at her desk that was littered with lightsaber parts and upgrades. "Had something to discuss with you actually."

"Which would be?"

"Prince Kylo is not well." He stated simply looking at the various blueprints hung on the walls around the desk. "And frankly, we have reason to believe that he's been raping you but using his force powers to wipe your memory of the experience. So for your own safety, we would like to preform just a small test." Lusaldi's blood ran cold...he knew. 

A/N: I know it sucked, next chapter is... well, its better than this!

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