Chapter Nineteen

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"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Kylo bellowed dragging Lusaldi along through the woods, he was going to finish off that Stormtrooper and Scavenger girl if it was the last thing he did! He had already executed his father in cold blood, once these two were out of the way that would be it, there would be no more loose ends then to kill off that bastard uncle of his, Luke Skywalker. "WHY WOULD YOU FALL FOR HIS TRICKS? HIS PHONEY PROMISES OF A BETTER LIFE!"

"A LIFE WHERE WE COULD BE TOGETHER IN PEACE!" She screamed back. "Don't you get it Kylo?! If that is your real name. I don't know what is to be truth anymore, I don't know which side I should be leaning towards anymore, I'm on the edge of both, and I know you are to! But the dark side is not going to let us be together, we'll be trapped, we'll be killed if our love is discovered."

"We'll be just as trapped on that light side!" Kylo growled shoving her. "You never experienced his teachings! Do you know how hard it is to suddenly let go of any and all emotions you had towards people you cared about just to please others?!"

Lusaldi's eyebrows furrowed together as they stopped. The snow whipping around them through the cold winter wind, causing her hair to fly in all directions. "You think I don't know..?" She was genuinely hurt by his words. "Unlike you 'Ben' I wasn't sent away by my parents, they were taken away from me! My brother told me to force down my pain and anger toward the people who killed them right in front of my eyes as it wasn't the way of the light side of the force." She turned and began walking in a direction she saw movement in. "You're not the only one here who's been hurt Kylo, so stop acting like it."

He bit the inside of his lip, he had gone too far this time and he knew it. There was no easy way to fix this. "Lusaldi wait!" He yelled chasing after her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop. "I'm sorry! It's just...I know my path."

"And I know mine! matter how much you don't want to admit it, but we walk the same road. I know it's a lonely road and it's the only one that we've ever known. We've always walked alone...until we found each other." (CUE THE SONG) "Look inside yourself Kylo and know this isn't the right one. There is something better for us at the end of the road, this is not the end and it never will be. You have to know there is still good in you. There is still good in me. The light never went away despite how many times we had been wronged. Please Kylo..." She paused a moment trying to find the right words.  "Deep, deep down, I believed I could bring you back to me. In this game I found fun, can the damage be undone? Even if I'm no longer really me, there's still a part that lives inside my heart that hopes to be by your side until you reach the end. No matter what I am by then, I'll always be your friend... don't leave me behind, Wont you let me win this time? I don't want to let go, but I'll be okay alone...."

He was silent a moment as if thinking this all over. His eyes fell to the snow to hide the raw, vulnerable emotions from the only girl he had ever loved and considered his friend. Could he really go back? If he did...surely he'd fade away into the light. He would no longer be him, he would have to contain his true power. No matter how hard she tried to convince him, he would always have darkness in his heart. The dark side had just been too tempting to him. He sight softly. "Lusaldi, you have to understand...that I've done some things in my life that you may think are crazy, a little different from the rest. I get my pleasure from the pain. You may think I'm crazy, but in the darkness I know, I feel alright." He paused. "Sometimes...i-it feels like I'm in a dream...or a nightmare...but...I'm awake...and, I'm doing things...but...I'm not meaning to do them...and even though it's a nightmare...I feel...happy inside..." She looked away in what appeared to be sadness and disgust that he wouldn't give up the darkness for the light. He bit his lip before speaking once more. " me do this one last thing, and we'll run. We'll run far away and escape this madness. Just one last time please!" He begged. They would be hunted down if they didn't finish Snoke's wishes, at least if they did what he desired and escape as the planet began to break up, at least they may have a chance to have a life together, free of the First Order, free of the pain the darkside would cause. "You have to trust do don't you...?"

There was a pause. Did she trust him? After everything that's happened, did she really have a reason not to any longer? "Of course I do..." She smiled softly.

He returned the soft smile, letting his gloved hand run over her cheek. "Thank you darling..."

Chewy ran down the stairs after the two dark siders left the bridge to go retrieve Han's body. He didn't care if the girl's voice he had seemed to be the only one to hear was only lying to him about his best friend, Han Solo, still being alive. He wasn't going to be leaving without his body, there was no way in hell he was leaving it behind. His wife would want his body returned to her dead or alive regardless of what he wanted anyway.

He ran across the bridge to where the lifeless form of Han Solo laid. The Wookie let out a long growl of sadness and anger for his fallen comrade before dropping to his knees next to the body. Chewy let out a few whimpers as if saying Han's name, trying to get the old man to wake up, but his efforts appeared to be fruitless. Han was gone, the girl had lied to him. Chewy placed a paw on the fallen man's shoulder and slowly tried to turn him over only for a groan to meet his ears. Chewy let out a growl of happiness hearing the pained noise meet his ear. Quickly he turned over the body of his friend to see his eyes scrunched together in pain. Han's breath was shallow, so it was no wonder that both of the dark siders who had been on the bridge with him thought him to be dead...well save for the girl who had spoken to him.

Han let out a soft groan before opening his eyes with a chuckle. "In all my years...I've been burned, cut, bruised, shot at, choked, frozen in carbonite...but I can safely say getting run through with a lightsaber tops them all."

Chewy growled a response to the old man.

"Well of course you thought I was dead, even I thought I was dead there for a minute. Now let's get back to the Falcon before somebody else who hates us comes through here." Chewy moved to pick Han up bridal style, but as usual, the man put up a fight, swatting the Wookie's Paws away. "You are not carrying me out like that."

Chewy growled in response.

"I don't care, I walked out after the carbonite, I can walk out after this." Han said trying to sit up with not a lot of luck. He looked at Chewy who only looked at him like he was insane. "Well you could still help me up you walking carpet."

Chewy growled helping Han to his feet. Despite his protests, he put Han's arm around his shoulder to take some of the weight that he had to bear off of him as they slowly started to walk down the bridge together.

"I know it's what she said to you when we got her out of the cell all of those years ago."

A growl.

"No it wasn't very nice. I'm sorry buddy." Han said as they reached the end of the bridge, the explosions only getting worse. "You know what, we'll be blown up right along with this place if we continue to move at this pace. Maybe you should carry me." Han tried to reason with the Wookie.

Chewy growled out a few times at the older gentleman, as if laughing at him. He knew Han was in a lot of pain but knowing the man he had traveled with all of these years, he knew his pride would never let him admit the pain he was in. He was supposed to be the bold, the fearless, the most amazing smuggler that this galaxy had ever known, he was Han Solo.

Chewy quickly hoisted the man up onto his back to give him a piggyback ride the rest of the way to the Falcon. Han let out a groan of pain gripping on to Chewy's shoulders before getting out his blaster in case they ran into any unwanted enemies. "You do not get to laugh of me."

Growl, Growl, Growl.

"LIES! And I swear if you mention any of this to Leia I will personally shave you!"


"No I will not make it a pleasurable experience."


"Just get to the Falcon." Han groaned defeated by the Wookie's reasoning.

A/N: The End is near... yes my friends, On the Edge has only one chapter remaining. But do not worry, the story is far from over, Kylo and Lusaldi will return in the sequel of On the Edge entitled  Fade Away. State your opinions in the comments if you think I should make it a separate book or slab the next part (fade away) on the end of this, whatever you guys think will be easier for you to continue reading. Be sure you listen to the songs going with the chapters, especially in the next as it sets up the sequel. Lyrics in this chapter also include Purple by Mandopony and Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

On the Edge: A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now