Chapter Seventeen

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"And just what..." Lusaldi started retracting her darksaber to give her focus to Hux. "Gives you reason to believe that he's doing this to me?"

"Oh just the way he's been sneaking around recently, not to mention several members of the crew have stated they have what sounded like female moans coming from the Prince's room every so often." Hux said turning around to face the scavenger. He slowly advanced upon her with a bone chilling, menacing feel about him. Although intimidated, Lusaldi had to show that there, indeed in fact, was nothing going on between she and the prince by standing her ground, especially when the General towered over her at least a foot in height. "I'm only looking out for your own safety my dear, can't have the prince abusing that of which he is to be teaching..." He smiled a sick grin. "...Now can we?"

Lusaldi silently delved into his mind using the force trying to find his true intentions. He was planning to go to some person by the name of Snoke and inform him of the blossoming romance between the two. Snoke, where had she heard that name before? Then it hit her, Snoke was Kylo's master, and the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He would think that part of Kylo's return to the light side would be partly her fault and want to dispose of her, just as Hux had wanted to do from the very beginning. She may had had the force, she may had been rapidly gaining strength in the ways of the Force, but there was no excuse for turning from the dark side to the light side. And of course the appropriate punishment for doing so would be their deaths. She returned the smile awkwardly. "No, I suppose we can't." That's it, she was screwed; they both were; they both had one foot in the grave right now.

"Excellent, well follow me, and we will have you tested immediately." Hux said gesturing to the doorway.

"I'm sorry, but I should really continue practicing. If what you say is true, it would be best not to anger the prince now would it?" She said about to light her saber again.

"I don't think the prince will be a problem." Hux reasoned. When she still wouldn't budge, the door slid open to reveal a small group of Stormtroopers. "Please. I insist." Lusaldi knew there was no way she was going to be able to use her Jedi mind powers on all of the people here. "And don't think about using your Jedi mind tricks on me, I'm not a weak minded fool like the rest of them. They will be useless against me."

"Well..." Lusaldi started as the General grabbed her roughly by the arm, pushing her into a group of Stormtroopers, causing her to drop her darksaber. "If you insist."

They made their way toward the medical bay, three Stormtroopers in front of her, two behind her along with Hux. The entire way she was trying to plan an epic escape, for if she got there, they would immediately find out what she and Kylo had been up to. They had reached a pretty unoccupied part of the base when they walked into a group consisting of an old man, a young man and a Wookie. The Wookie let out a growl as it and the two men began to open fire on the group of Stormtroopers whom fired back. Having to warn the rest of the base of the intruders, in his mind at least, the General took off running away from the fight. She winced as one of the Wookie's shots grazed her arm, causing blood to spill. Seeing that the group may be her only way to escape the group of Stormtroopers, she quickly whipped out her darksaber and slashed at the Stormtroopers around her until they all laid dead on the floor around her.

One of the men, or Wookie, shot her in the arm again causing her to drop her lightsaber to the floor with a yelp. She dropped to her knees and clutched her arm in pain as the men walked over to her, guns poised and ready to fire at her. "I thought you said there was going to be nobody here kid." The old man hissed at the younger man.

"Usually nobody was. I don't understand why they were making their way over here, all that's here is the medical bay and storage." The young man said looking down at Lusaldi with a grimace. All three of them had their guns pointed on her, fingers on the triggers ready to fire and kill her.

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