Chapter Fourteen

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Training came later that day much to both of their dismay. Neither of them really wanted to train but they knew it was something that had to be done. Kylo took note to the hilt of her lightsaber being attached to her belt. "Done constructing your lightsaber already huh? Let's have a look." Lusaldi pulled it off her belt before handing it to Kylo. "Sound construction, very nice design, let's see the blade then." He said walking over to the wooden table, pressing the button on the side. With a whirl of electricity, a blade black as night sprang from the hilt in a solid straight blade. He moved the blade around in the fancy ways he had been taught before crashing the light down on the table cutting it perfectly in half upon contact. He smirked before retracting it. "A job well done indeed." He moved to hand the saber back to Lusaldi waiting until she reached for it before chucking it across the room.

"HEY!" She yelled using the force to catch it in midair before it hit the ground. It was set down on the floor gently where it had been floating two inches above the ground before she glared at Kylo. "I worked hard on that!"

"Well before you can train to use the saber you must learn to use the force to get it to fly to you if knocked out of your grip." Kylo explained. "You've done this before, the saber should be easy since it is an extension of your force presence. Now call it to you." He said gesturing across the room.

Lusaldi looked at her lightsaber across the room and reached her hand out. The saber began to shake slightly and had begun to lift off the floor before blaster shots rang out and hit the floor just a few inches away from her feet. Jumping backwards, losing all focus she glanced over to see Kylo shaking his head disapprovingly holding a blaster in his hand. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!!"

"You need to learn to be able to control the force no matter what is happening around you. What will you do in battle if this happens?" Kylo retorted. "Again." They did this same thing over and over at least ten times before Kylo sighed. "You're still not focusing." Lusaldi groaned falling back on the floor obviously annoyed with herself. "What am I going to do with you..." Kylo chuckled trying to think of a solution. He smirked mischievously when an idea popped into his head. "Here, come with me. I have an idea." He said reaching a hand out toward her lightsaber, making it fly across the room to his hand. "Come darling." He said jerking his head toward the door.

She followed him to his room, curious as to what he was thinking. He locked the door before turning around. Discarding his helmet to the floor he turned to face her, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. He slowly walked toward her not saying anything. "What are you thinking Kylo?" He backed her up until she stood at the base of his bed. "Kylo, please tell me what we're doing here."

"Working on your concentration skills. Now panties off." Kylo stated in a deep voice.

"What?!" She asked, eyes wide.

"You heard me." Kylo said pushing her so she fell back on the bed. "Off with them."

"Kylo, it's only been a few days, please, people will get suspicious if they hear us having sex again." She pleaded as he set her lightsaber down on the bed side table he dragged over so it sat only a few feet away.

"Who said we were going to be having sex?" Kylo asked pulling his right glove off one finger at a time, doing the same with the left glove. "We're going to be working on your force concentration, since that's where you seem to be lacking skill. After all..." He said pushing on Lusaldi's shoulders so she laid flat on the bed, his face close to hers, his hot breath dancing across her cheeks. "I am your master. I choose what methods we use to get you to where you need to be, and this is a necessary exercise. Now panties off, please."

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