Chapter Twelve

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Lusaldi awoke a few hours later with a pain in her core. What happened? She looked to her left to see a peacefully sleeping Kylo Ren. He was so cute when he was asleep. He looked so innocent, and the small smirk that laid upon his lips was adorable. Slowly the memories of a few hours ago started to flood back to her numbing the pain that she felt within her. Though then the wonderful thoughts filled to those of pure dread. Somebody must've seen them enter his room, and it's at least been a few hours since then, pretty suspicious. She had to get back to her own room and stay there until this whole ordeal blew over. She needed to focus on her constructing her lightsaber so Kylo could focus on getting the map to Luke Skywalker. They were a distraction for each other, and it was only a matter of time before somebody figured that out.

Slowly she sat up, a pain running through her core. Upon standing she was met with a terrible pain. Kylo hadn't been lying, she wouldn't be able to walk for quite a while. She collapsed back on the bed next to the sleeping prince. She didn't want to wake him, not when he looked like this, but sadly she had no choice. "Kylo..." She whispered gently shaking him. "Please wake up Kylo."

His eyes twitched a few times before opening to meet hers. He smiled warmly at her. "And how's my princess feeling?"

"Sore..." She whined before explaining her fears to him. "It's not that I don't want to stay darling, its just...if somebody found out we'd be..."

"Up shit creak. I know..." He groaned quickly dressing himself before gathering Lusaldi's clothing that had been scattered about the room before helping her dress. "Luckily for us you still have a signs that you had frost bite, so it won't look strange if I carry you out." He said picking her up bridal style.

"What if someone should ask why we were in here so long?" She inquired.

"Easy, you have your lightsaber book and Kyber Crystal. Simply tell the morons that I was instructing you on how to start going about the construction of your blade while I go down to Takodana to retrieve the map." He smirked as she slipped his helmet on him before he walked out into the hallway. They received many strange glances and suspicious looks from crew members and Stormtroopers alike, but none as suspicious as that from the eyes of General Hux. He wasn't going to take Kylo's reasoning for the two of them spending so much time together as being simply that to the aid of her training. Oh no, he was going to get to the bottom of this and when he found out what was going on, he'd be sure to let Snoke know what his star pupil was doing in his spare time.

Kylo entered Lusaldi's room and carried her straight to the bathroom. "I've got to go, I've put off the invasion to Takodana long enough now." He said setting her down on the rim of the tub. He removed his helmet placing it on the counter before kneeling on the floor in front of her, a smile upon his face. "You, my princess, are going to take a nice long soak in a hot bath. It will help with any pain and loosen up your muscles so you can walk on your own again." He said tapping her nose lightly causing her to giggle softly. "Afterwards, if you have the strength I want you to start work on your darksaber okay?"

"I thought they were called lightsabers?" She questioned.

"Yours will contain a black Kyber Crystal though, making the light at emits out of it dark instead of light." He chuckled at the explanation before standing. "Now I really have to go darling." He kissed her forehead before grabbing his helmet. "I'll lock your door on my way out so you don't have any, uninvited guests."

"Kylo?" She called as he was about to walk through the bathroom door.

"Yes darling?" He replied, his helmet's voice changer making his voice sound more robotic than it should sound.

"Stay safe." She said with obvious worry in her voice, upon her face and in her eyes. After what took place a few hours earlier, she couldn't imagine life without him. She didn't want to lose him just as much as he didn't want to lose her.

"I will be." He smiled under his helmet.


"I promise."

He left soon after that leaving her alone in her room once again. Turning slightly she turned the faucets on the tub so hot water began to fill it. Quickly undressing once it was filled she slipped into the warm water and let out a pained wince at first that slowly changed to a sigh of relief. She needed this escape. She needed Kylo. She loved Kylo. "Kylo..." She sighed his name closing her eyes as a smile spread across her face, reliving the memories of a few hours earlier.

The escapade to Takodana had been disastrous. That pathetic excuse of a droid had managed to escape AGAIN! Not only that, HAN SOLO HAD BEEN THERE! Oh how he loathed Han Solo, how he wanted to drive his saber through his stomach and watch as the life slowly drained from his body. How he wanted to see his pain stricken, paling face when he, Kylo Ren, took away his life. That rouge Stormtrooper somehow managed to get his disgusting hands on a lightsaber, as if he could ever be a Jedi. All he was, was a sanitation employee, nothing more. There had been an immense loss of life on the First Order's end, especially when the resistance showed up. Had he not decided to go out into the forest in search of the droid, he surely would've been amongst the deceased.

There was a girl out there though, she helped that pathetic droid escape his clutches yet again. He would've killed her on the spot, especially when he caught her in the force's grip, but she proved to have some sort of use. She would be the final piece to the map. Whilst trying to interrogate her out there, trying to rise her level of fear before slaughtering her, he found something interesting amongst her thoughts, she had seen the map. The droid had shown it to her. Deciding the search for the droid would become nothing but more casualties for the order, he placed the girl in an unconscious state and took her prisoner instead. She would be all they needed to find Skywalker.

Upon reaching the Starkiller base once more, he locked her in a cell, the same one Lusaldi had been placed in, and awaited for the force's effects to wear off. Through her conscious mind would be the only way for him to find the map he was seeking. This girl, Rey he think he heard FN-2187 call out to her as he took her on the ship, was quite stunning. Her sun kissed skin was absolutely flawless. Her dark hair was pulled back into multiple buns to show off the gorgeous face that she possessed. If only you were a darksider... his thoughts wandered before his other half mentally slapped him hard. HEY! COMMANDER SHIT FOR BRAINS!! Remember your first female prisoner? The one who turned dark and you shared a kiss with a few nights ago and had coitus with not only a few hours ago? Yeah she's in her room right now, a few floors above you, most likely building a dangerous weapon by now that could kill her or cut off a limb! That's where you should be! Not fanaticizing about another woman! Idiot, having even had feelings for Lusaldi for an entire week and you're already trying to see yourself with another. Perhaps you don't remember YOU TOOK HER VIRGINITY! SOMETHING SHE CAN'T GET BACK!! JUST GO TO HER ALREADY! THAT'S WHERE YOU BELONG!! He growled, no, he couldn't go and visit her until the mission was completed.

He needed to move past this whole map thing so they could focus on more important things like destroying the resistance, killing Han Solo and completing Lusaldi's training as much as he could. He would admit, there were still many holes in his own training, he was no master of the dark force yet, but Snoke was rather insistent on him leading the First Order to the killing of Luke Skywalker. The girl slowly began to stir, this was it, and he was finally going to be done with this mission of his. Life could move on and he could slowly start to regain his sanity, he could slowly start to learn to love again. He would no longer have to be afraid. He would no longer have to be alone. In time he may no longer have to be Kylo to her anymore, he could slowly become Ben once again. Ben Solo. The name alone left a sour taste in his mouth, especially once thinking of HAN SOLO. Thinking about it though Lusaldi Ren just didn't sound right. Lusaldi Solo...yes if he ever wanted a chance at a relationship with her, he would have to let go of the darkness. Let go of everything he had and return to the light. Return to the persona he had locked away so long ago. Yes, to ever truly be able to love Lusaldi Darkmoon, Ben Solo would have to destroy Kylo Ren once and for all.

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