Chapter Five

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Thankfully, to both Kylo and Lusaldi's relief, the First Order had good enough medical staffing and equipment to have Lusaldi well enough to be back on her feet the next evening, ready to begin training in the morning. Kylo returned to the Medical Bay when summoned to remove her and take her to what would be her quarters near his. He dawned his mask once again when he came to retrieve her. "Come, I will show you to your Quarters." He spoke in a deep robotic tone once more. As they walked along the corridor, she got a lot of strange looks and stares from crew members and Stormtroopers alike. To her, she supposed they were wondering why it was that a girl who had been taken prisoner only a matter of a week ago, was now being escorted down the hallway by their leader. She kept her eyes on Kylo's cloak as it billowed in the wind created as he walked forward until he stopped in front of a door. "This shall be your room. You'll find a more...suitable change of clothes inside. Be ready as I will return in an hour for us to begin your training." Kylo spoke before two Stormtroopers walked up and stood on either side of the door.

"What's with Tweedledee and Tweedledum here?" She asked.

"Just a bit of insurance." Kylo spoke. "Until we're sure you can be trusted, you are confined to your quarters unless you are escorted by either myself, a Stormtrooper or another person of authority. If you need anything just tell 'Tweedledee or Tweedledum' here and they will attend to your needs. I will be back in an hour."

Kylo turned on his heal walking off down the dark, long, grey corridor off to who knows where. She entered the room a moment later leaving the two Stormtroopers alone in the hallway. "Tweedledee and Tweedledum?" The one on the left side of the door asked the other.

"I think we've been insulted." The other replied before they both faced forward once again.

The room was much bigger than her cell had been but sadly continued the grey walls and black tile floors. A king sized cot with black blankets sat in the center of the room parallel to the door. A few red pillows with the First Order's logo sat atop the bed. Around the bed on the floor was a rather large red throw carpet to protect bare feet from the harsh cold of the black tile floor upon getting up. The wardrobe was on the wall closest to the bathroom and was black with chrome embellishments with a matching vanity directly next to it with what appeared to be cosmetics upon it, something that was a luxury to a scavenger like her, then again, now she was a dark Jedi. A black futon with more red pillows of the same design of that which was on the bed sat near a grey metal bookshelf that was filled with books about the force, lightsabers, and a few forms of enjoyment reading. On the same side of the room sat a table with various tools and scrap metal laying atop it, what its purpose was she wasn't aware of but she was sure she would find out what it was meant for in time.

She quickly moved into the bathroom to find that it was drastically different, unlike the dark colored dimly lit bedroom, it was brightly lit and completely done in white and chrome. There was a wide counter with a large sink in front of a giant mirror. The bathroom had both a walk in shower and a deep Jacuzzi tub, no doubt would she be using that after many training sessions. In the cabinets were towels and basic necessities like hair products, shampoos, conditioners and towels. Glancing at herself in the mirror she saw just how horrible she looked. The medical staff had cleaned the blood from her skin, but still it covered her clothes and stuck her already messed up hair to her head. Bruises covered her skin and nose. Glancing at her clothes, she no longer felt like herself in the old Jakku wear of sand colored shirts and leggings and her wraps around her arms, all of which had been torn badly in the last week. She was in desperate need of a good shower. Quickly proceeding to do so, she whimpered as the hot water cascaded down her aching body, but the pain subsided as the heat worked its way to her core.

After washing herself she stepped out of the shower, throwing her hair up in one of the black towels putting on the satin robe that hung on the back of the door. Lusaldi walked out of the steamy bathroom and into the rest of the room over to the wardrobe. Pulling open the door, she smirked seeing nothing but black garments hanging inside. She eventually settled on black leggings and the traditional darksider robes that had a turtle neck much to her dismay the plate armor that went over it to protect her torso. She finished the look off by pulling on a pair of knee high boots like some of the other officers wore and a long midnight black hooded cloak. Putting on a little make-up just to make her eyes darker and she was done. She was now a member of the first order.

Dameron was to be executed. He had fulfilled his purpose to the First Order and now it was all over. Goddamn that weird all powerful force thingy, it was because of that that he had unwillingly gave away where his beloved droid BB-8 was. He cursed himself mentally thinking of what was to become of his droid, as soon as they found him, they would rip him to shreds and take the last piece of the map...then there would be no stopping the First Order from reaching Luke Skywalker first. He sighed and began pacing his cell back and forth, and what of the girl he was captured with? He promised that he would free them both but as his execution drew nearer, he found his chances of fulfilling that promise becoming slimmer and slimmer. He sighed silently to himself, she was probably dead by now anyway. A Stormtrooper entered the cell a few moments later. "Come on." He said in what sounded like regret. The Stormtrooper handcuffed him and took him roughly by the arm and led him to the lift. Upon getting out, they walked into a dark corridor. "Turn here." The Stormtrooper said pushing the Resistance Pilot toward a small unoccupied space.

"What?" Dameron asked surprised, he knew that his execution wasn't going to be taking place here in this four by four foot space, so what was this First Order Trooper thinking?

"Just turn here!" He snapped a little more.

"What's this about?!" Dameron whisper yelled at the Trooper.

"I can get you out. I want to help you." The Stormtrooper said unfastening his handcuffs.

"Yeah right, why should you want to help me?"

"Look I know you shouldn't want to trust me, nor should you trust me." The Stormtrooper said removing his helmet to reveal a pair of dark sad eyes that had every bit of sincerity in them. "I was on the planet when we slaughtered that village. Although I grew up being trained to think that was the way, it just felt wrong."

"Then why should you want to help me?"

"Because this feels right. Now come on!" The Stormtrooper said putting his helmet back on.

"Wait! That girl I was captured with, where is she?"

"In cell block A-2114. Why?"

"I promised her I would get her out with me. We have to go get her right now!" Dameron said sticking his head out into the hall to look for any other Stormtroopers. "I'm not leaving without her."

The Stormtrooper didn't speak for a while. "She's most likely dead right now..."

"What?" Dameron asked slowly.

"Our Commander, Kylo Ren had said this was going to be her final torture session, if he didn't get the results he wanted, the drug they were going to give her was going to kill her." The Stormtrooper informed him. "If we could save her we'd go, but we can't take the risk of being spotted and get down there to find her already dead. I'm sorry." Dameron leaned up against the wall with a sigh. That's three times he's failed. He was captured, he gave up the location of the map and he hadn't been able to save the poor scavenger girl. She was dead now, and it was his fault, all those people were dead because of him too. It was all his fault in the end. "Everything okay?" The Stormtrooper asked.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine, let's get out of here." He said moving with the Stormtrooper to the hanger.

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