Chapter Nine

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Kylo couldn't believe the shape she came back in. Aside from the usual few cuts and bruises nearly every trainee received, she seemed as though she was slowly becoming encased in ice. Not only that but she seemed as if at one point she was soaking wet. She was shivering violently and that alone was a reason for concern. Her pulse was extremely weak, she could barely breathe and she was colder than the ice that encased the planet. "What did you do? Fall into a lake or something?" He asked her as he approached the TIE fighter.

"As... a matter of fact..." She said through chattering teeth. "I did."

"Looks like you may have frostbite...I'd go as far as to say you have hypothermia..." Kylo said with a grimace. "But don't worry, we'll be back on base soon." He loaded her into the rear seat before sitting in the pilot's seat taking off to the coordinates of the Starkiller Base. Upon arriving back at the Base he quickly grabbed his helmet to put back on before the door to the TIE fighter opened. He quickly stood and roughly grabbed Lusaldi pulling her out of the TIE fighter. It hurt him hearing her whimpers of pain, but he couldn't let the Stormtroopers, or Hux for that matter, see him having an emotional connection with another. The darkside may have been about being true to one's emotions, but love was most certainly frowned upon. He roughly shoved Lusaldi into a group of Stormtroopers whom were awaiting their arrival. "Miserable Failure. Take the wench to Medical." He roared as the Stormtroopers snapped to attention.

"Yes sir!" They replied.

Kylo quickly approached Lusaldi struggling to stand on her own two feet as the Stormtroopers tried to steady her before moving. Using the force he spoke to her mentally. 'Please forgive me for this darling.' Upon reaching her, his gloved hand grasped her tightly around the neck pulling her close to his masked face. "You're an embarrassment. That was a test meant for a child and even though you obtained a crystal, in my book, you still failed."

"I'm sorry master..." Lusaldi choked out, playing along with Kylo's charade. She knew perfectly well he needed to seem as if he had no feelings for her in front of the troops, he was the malevolent Kylo Ren after all.

"Sorry won't cut it." He hissed. He pushed her back and froze her stiff with the force before flipping out his lightsaber walking around her like a wolf stalking his pray. "You're lucky I don't kill you where you stand, that's what you deserve after that pathetic performance in the Crystal Caves. Unfortunately I have been sworn to train you, not kill you." Kylo said desperately trying to think of a punishment that wouldn't hurt her too badly, the usual just wouldn't fly. Death, torture, broken limbs, he just wouldn't be able to do it. Looking down at his lightsaber a terrible idea came to mind, but it was definitely less brutal than anything else he could think of.

Raising the beam of light so it poised at her neck, he carefully he touched the light to her skin. She let out a blood curling shriek. The sound broke his heart and the stench of her burning flesh moving through the air made him want to gag. She was the last person he wanted to be doing this to. Kylo Ren didn't show mercy to anyone...and that unfortunately had to include her. He pulled the blade back and retracted it. He wanted to kill himself for that, but it was his job. Seeing the tears flow from her eyes pulled at his heart strings in a way he never thought possible. This was his reward for falling in love. "Next time, I'll do worse." He growled before turning on his heal walking away, releasing his force grip on her. For once, since joining the first order, he was happy that he wore a mask to honor his deceased grandfather, it blocked people from seeing the look of pain and sadness on his face. It hid the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. 'I'm so sorry....' He gently spoke to her as the Stormtroopers dragged her away.

"Sire!" A uniformed man ran up to him.

"What?" Kylo hissed, just wanting to be left alone at this point in time. Having feelings for Lusaldi, he knew that the call back to the light side was coming and it was not going to be an easy cry to ignore.

"The Supreme Leader requests your presence immediately." He informed him.

Kylo nodded before heading to the bridge, he knew what this was going to be about. Snoke had heard the call from the light within him and now he was going to be chewed out for it as always.

The Stormtroopers had to practically drag Lusaldi to the medical bay. The left side of her neck burned in pain from Kylo's lightsaber. She knew that he had to pretend as if his feelings toward her were nonexistent in front of the crew, but that was pushing it. She sighed internally, then again there were plenty of other options he could've used. In murderous dark prince mode, he showed her mercy. He had said he was sorry to her multiple times, but yet, she couldn't help but feel that he really didn't care for her like she thought he did. What he did to her back there in the hanger, it had come too easily to him. He didn't seem to be second guessing any of his decisions. Then again, maybe she too was being fooled by the act but it gnawed away at her. For some reason she couldn't help but believe the he was toying with her like a cat with a ball of yarn, that the kiss was merely a device to get into her head. Get her to try harder. She sighed, yeah that's all it was and that's all it ever would be.

"Hypothermia, Frost bitten and burned. My, my, you certainly like to get yourself into a heap of trouble." The doctor chuckled at her injuries. He was one of the rare kind people to her here as she had been in a couple of times due to Kylo's training sessions. He had short sandy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and despite being a doctor, still maintained a toned body, or what she thought was toned under his black and grey first order uniform. "I thought we agreed you were going to be out of here for a while."

"Well, promises were made to be broken." A mummified Lusaldi growled under her breath. The doctor had promptly gotten her out of her still wet clothes, well a nurse did, and got her covered from almost head to toe in heated blankets and whatnot. All that was exposed was her head and neck until the doctor could have a look at the burn mark Kylo had made upon her.

"So I've been told." The doctor said pulling on a pair of black gloves before examining the burn mark on her neck. "I'm assuming the prince did this to you." She winced as he probed it with his fingers examining the blackened flesh. The doctor had seen many lightsaber wounds as his time as the CMO for the First Order. Just about every single crew member or Stormtrooper had felt the wrath of the great Kylo Ren at one point or another and found themselves being burned at the end of his saber. Some of them were lucky enough to just escape with the gut wrenching pain of a burn mark that would fade in a few weeks, but a majority of them were scarred for life. He would never get use to the stench of the searing flesh mixing in with the sterile smell of the Medical Bay. This wound was different from the others though. "Well he's getting much better with his lightsaber penmanship. Still could use some work, but A for effort though." The doctor said stepping away from the bed to gather some supplies to treat the young Jedi.

"What are you on about this time?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You, my young female patient." He started before turning to face her. "Have joined the club occupied by many on this planet of those to be marked by Kylo Ren." He walked over to the girl starting his work on treating the burn mark. "This mark will not be fading during your lifetime I'm afraid." He said beginning the treatment. She hissed in pain and quickly pulled away only to be roughly grabbed by the no nonsense doctor so he could continue his work. "Well, nice to see you've gotten a hang of controlling that force thing you have. I'd rather not go through the wall again." The doctor said looking over his shoulder where workers were continuing work on fixing a hole from a few days prior when Lusaldi still couldn't quiet control her force powers. "Either way, this mark is different from all the others I've seen since the prince joined us a few years back."

"Would you just get to the point already?"

The doctor sighed as he bandaged the wound. "You, my friend, have what would appear to be some sort of a possessive mark burned there on your neck." He walked away turning his back to her once more. "Unlike all of the straight lines I've seen, this one seems to be what appears to be like a 'K'. Though of all people I don't know why he would do that to you, he claims to despise you but must respect Snoke's judgment."

Lusaldi's blood ran cold. Not only had he marked her, he had put his initial on her, he had claimed her. If anyone were to find out of their relationship it would mean nothing but bad things for them both. Then her mind processed what the young doctor said. He said to the doctor that he hated her. Well at least he wouldn't be too far off from what his behavior showed today. "You'll have to spend the night for your frostbite, you'll be free to leave in the morning, with the prince's okay that is." Lusaldi didn't listen X though, she couldn't pull her thoughts away from the current subject. He had marked her...she was marked.

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