Chapter Eighteen

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Kylo started running to Lusaldi's room the minute Hux came to the bridge yelling of intruders. He needed to make sure she was by his side at all times for this battle. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if she was killed. Shoving Stormtroopers out of his way he ran as fast as his legs would carry him to her room. Upon arrival she wasn't there. "Hux..." He growled under his breath, if he had just been minding his own business then this wouldn't be happening. He tried to tap into the force to find where she was only to find that she was way down at the bottom of the base near all the structure holding pillars.

He took off sprinting again, he had to get to her before something happened. He would jump down flights of stairs instead of waiting for the elevators. The Resistance was coming and she wasn't nearly prepared to fight anybody. Stupid feelings, if he would've just stuck to the original plan and only trained her, none of this would be happening right now. He wouldn't care where she was, he wouldn't care that she wasn't ready, but he did. He let his emotions get in the way and now he was paying the price for that serious mistake.

He reached the bridge to find Lusaldi wandering aimlessly. "There you are!" Kylo yelled running toward her.

"Kylo!" She yelled running toward him.

He pulled her into a tight hug, pulling her head close to his chest. "I was so worried about you..."

"Hux tried to get me to take some stupid test but on the way to the medical bay, we were ambushed by the invading group. I managed to escape."

"Thank god you're okay..." Kylo said gently kissing the top of her head. He grabbed her by the arms, unfortunately right over her blaster wound and pushed her away slightly to look her over. "You're not hurt are you?" She yelped at his touch trying to pull her right arm away. He quickly examined the wound finding a lot of blood.

"It's nothing, I promise I'm fine." She whimpered.

"It's not, I have to get you into an escape pod and get you out of..."

"Kylo!" She yelled interrupting him. "This is what you trained me for, I'll be fine."

"I know...I just...I..." He sighed looking down at a loss of words. He may have been able to use his emotions for fighting and for pleasuring her, but when it came to expressing them vocally, well he was a lost child.

She smiled softly and gently ran a hand through his hair. "I know..." She gently placed a kiss on his cheek as an explosion rang out from outside, signaling the invasion.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He said about to take her hand when a voice rang out.

"BEN!" They shouted. She glanced behind Kylo to see the old man that wanted to kill her not only an hour ago. A look of surprise, shock, fear and anger spread over his face before he slowly turned to face the man.

"Well if it isn't the great Han Solo." Kylo hissed.

"Ben..." Han started, slowly approaching the pair in the center of the bridge. "Look at what you've done to yourself..."

"Like you care! You NEVER did! Neither of you did!"

"Of course we-"


"I know and it was wrong of your mother and me, but you must stop this madness...." Han said speaking gently as he approached the couple of darksiders. Lusaldi felt Kylo's hand grasp hers as Han stopped only a few feet in front of Kylo. He protectively pushed Lusaldi behind her, as if afraid Han would try to use her to his advantage if he found that he had feelings for her. Lusaldi turned her gaze to the door up on the higher platform to see Rey and the younger man watching. The Wookie stood a little further down on the catwalk watching intently, waiting to fire his blaster if needed.

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