Chapter Eight

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Slowly he pulled away from her letting the kiss linger upon her lips. She was taken back by his sudden show of feelings toward her. All this time she figured she was just going to be some force-sensitive apprentice they were to kill off whenever she ceased to be valuable. That's why she began to hate herself when she too felt feelings building for Kylo. She remembered how gentle he had been toward her that final day in the cell when everybody else was so focused on hurting her emotionally and physically. How he had been able to show her genuine emotion from there on out when nobody else would. He had come to visit her while she was laid up in the medical bay to see if she was alright and was getting better. He would sit with her and say quirky or stupid things to get her to crack a smile, if just for a moment, to forget of the pain that coursed through her body. That first day of training was when she first started to notice the feelings she had for him. When he gently held her wrist toward her helmet, whispering words of encouragement softly into her ear as his warm breath danced along his neck sending shivers down her spine, being so close to her that she could feel the body heat radiating off of him, it all made her heart flutter. Thinking back upon all of that, she knew what she had to do.

"Kylo...?" She spoke softly and shakily, barely above a whisper.

"Yes Lusaldi...?" He asked, hope sparkling in his obsidian eyes in the firelight.

"I love you too..." She blushed before placing her lips gently upon his. He smiled into the kiss letting his thumb gently stroke her cheek as he pulled her onto his lap. She moved her hands up from his shoulders to his head before gently running her fingers through his long thick locks. He gently pushed his tongue against her lips begging for passage in. He smirked when her lips parted ways before he quickly pushed his tongue inside. Their tongues fought for dominance before he finally proved winner. He searched every corner of her mouth leaving no corner untouched.

They didn't finally break apart until they were both gasping for air. He smiled softly gently tucking a stray hair behind her ear. He rested his forehead upon hers before speaking. "You best get some rest Lusaldi, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"Only if we can stay here like this..." She smiled hopefully.

"As the lady wishes." Kylo smiled holding her close. "Goodnight my princess of darkness."

The next morning the conditions were a little more suitable for being outside with a bright sun filling the sky. The two awoke still in each other's arms but covered in any snow that blew in from the outside. Kylo smiled down at a barely awake Lusaldi. "Ready to get your Kyber Crystal, darling?"

"Just five more minutes?"

"Five more minutes could mean an hour less within the caves, you'll only have until the sun goes down. In your first test of skill, you'll direct your concentration on the Force to be able to open the sealed entrance to the Temple. Once inside, you have to descend into the catacombs of the Crystal Caves on your own. You'll only have a limited period of time for your search, as the entrance to the caves will freeze shut with the setting of the planet's sun." Kylo explained.

She sighed before pushing herself to her feet. "Alright...fine..."

Kylo nudged his head in a direction telling her to follow him. They walked outside into the harsh wind and to another cave. Inside was a temple that looked as if it was hundreds of years old, back to the days of the Old Republic even. It was dedicated to Jedi but seemed as though it had been abandoned for years what with all the decaying statues and the outside of the temple in ruins. Kylo led her through the temple to a door that looked like it was made out of ice almost. "Alright are you ready?" He asked to which he received a nod. "Open the door using the force." Slowly she stuck her hand out and concentrated on the door. With a shaking arm, muscles tensed, the door slowly began to open. When it was fully opened it she sighed in relief and looked to Kylo for some sort of approval. He smiled warmly at her before gesturing to the door. "On your way then."

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