Chapter Two

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Lusaldi was brought to the adjacent cell block on a higher floor so as if a one, Poe Dameron was to escape then she wasn't to be taken with him. The Stormtroopers had restrained her to the metal inclined strap chair in her cell and now she lay in wait. Waiting for what fate was in store for her. Dameron's words kept repeating over and over in her head, torturing her more than what the Order ever could with the chair she was bound to. You can't let anger control you. Once you do that... Then they've already taken control of you. That's when you've caved to dark side. She had heard about that once before from her late father every once and awhile. The all-powerful force and its ability to control each and every person and creature and control their destiny. She remembered talk of a powerful young Jedi whom had been seduced by the ways of the dark side and eventually began a reign of death and evil that would spread throughout the galaxy known as The Galactic Empire. This man, who had shown promise of being an excellent Jedi, whom fell in love with a Queen, became none other than the lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader. The Dark Side. As much as she hated to admit it, Dameron was right. There was no reason to get involved with such a dark power, there was no need to hang on to anger or fear or sadness for one day they would pass. The darkness would pass and the light would once again shine through, you just had to be patient and wait for it to return, but at what cost? She was alone now and would probably be dead within the next hour or so, but she couldn't quite figure what her purpose was there upon that ship. Dameron had most likely been brought aboard to tell the whereabouts of his MIA BB-8, whom had disappeared shortly after the battle had begun. Still why was she taken as well? Why had the hooded masked man taken her prisoner when it would've been so much easier to kill her with the rest of the village? What use was a bit of scavenger scum?

She heard the door to her cell slide open followed by a pair of heavy footsteps. A man in uniform it sounded like, not one of those stupidly dressed Stormtroopers. A man with sleeked back red hair in a grey uniform slowly made his way around the table she laid upon. He had a hard face with piercing icy blue eyes with an air of 'I-mean-business' about him as he continued to circle around her like a vulture. "We brought Dameron aboard because he knows the whereabouts of a one BB-8 droid. He is also a member of the resistance and with the right torture, could give us valuable information we could use to bring about their downfall. You have none of that information..." He spoke in his heavy accent stopping in front of her, staring her down with a hard, cynical, calculating stare. " my question for you is why were you brought aboard?" Lusaldi remained quiet glaring at the General. What was she supposed to say? She had no idea of why she had been spared, just that she had been, but she would never let Hux know that. "Holding your tongue are you?" A piercing white hot pain shot through her right cheek and spiraled down to her core. He had struck her quite hard. "Answer when spoken to by a General, scavenger scum. Why were you brought aboard?!" Lusaldi remained quiet receiving the same punishment on the other cheek. "You must be taught some proper manners. Nothing a few torture sessions won't fix." Hux hissed before leaving the room. Lusaldi sighed and closed her eyes, silently making a wish for the first time in years. She wished for the end.

Kylo Ren stood in the large dark chamber off of the bridge on a small circular platform. A giant projection of his Master and Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke, leered over him. He had distinctive, idiosyncratic bone and facial structures and secretly scared Kylo to his core. The last thing he ever wanted to do was displease the master of the dark side. "I trust the final piece to the map to Skywalker was obtained."

"Negative, sir." Kylo spoke with a robotic toned voice through his mask. "The Resistance pilot Poe Dameron hid the final piece before we could obtain it from the village elder on Jakku."

"Pathetic." Snoke sneered causing Kylo to flinch slightly. "I trust you with a simple task, but you couldn't even complete that. Worthless scum, after all of that time I've spent training you, you can't complete the simple task of retrieving a drive with the final piece of the map to Luke Skywalker."

"Yes my lord, I have failed in that task, but we will find it yet. We've taken Dameron hostage."

"Good...good. I trust you have chosen the adequate methods of torture necessary to extract the whereabouts of the map from him." Snoke spoke as Hux angrily made his way to the platform.

"That's not all he's done." Hux sneered.

"General, how good of you to finally join us." Snoke growled. "What of this assumption Hux?"

"As well as taking Dameron hostage, he's also taken a worthless bit of scavenger scum prisoner as well. A girl of all creatures." Hux gazed up at a confused Snoke.

"Is this true Commander?"

"Indeed sir, he speaks the truth, but I believe that with time-" Kylo started before Hux interrupted.

"You believe what?! That she could be some sort of an asset to us?! Well I suppose if we ever needed to scavenge for parts she would be-"

"She is one with the force." Kylo continued not taking his gaze from Snoke. "A pure form of the focal point of the force, one that appears capable in falling in either direction, untrained but in time will become an even more powerful Jedi than Skywalker."

"What makes you certain that she can and will agree to become dark?" Snoke inquired.

"I sense much anger inside of her, and her fear of being prisoner will make conversion all the more easier. Darkness overpowers the light and with proper training she will be a very powerful asset."

Snoke looked to be in thought for a moment before a small smirk spread across his face. "Yes I can see it now, we will once again rule the galaxy with her at your side. Yes..."

"Sir you can't seriously be considering that this girl may be the key to our victory?!" Hux asked wide eyed.

"Yes general, indeed I am. Commander, you will first break this female, seduce her with the ways of the dark side, convince her to join us, then proceed to train her in the ways of the force. When you feel she is ready, you will bring her to me. Is this understood?" There was a pause as Kylo thought over what would need to be done. Could he really do such a task? "Or is the Master of the Knights of the Ren too scared to face such a test?"

Kylo spoke slowly with death entangled in his voice. "I'll begin immediately sir." He turned on his heal and proceeded quickly from the room. This was going to be fun.

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