Chapter Three

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Lusaldi awoke to an odd presence in the room. It felt of mixed energy, a struggle of energy, if anything, someone with a battle between good and evil, dark and light, within them. Slowly she opened her eyes to see the hooded masked man dressed in all black sitting in a chair before the inclined table she was restrained to. "Comfortable?" The robotic voice spoke.

"Hardly." She spat. "What the fuck do you want?"

The man seemed taken aback by this statement, obviously shocked by the fact that such foul language could pass from such a beautiful girl's lips. "Well that certainly isn't a way to speak to a person who was simply inquiring if you were comfortable."

"It is certainly a way to speak to a capture who's too cowardly to even show his own face. Weak is what it is."

"You think me a coward?" The man asked.

"I certainly do you fucking imperial scum."

The man chuckled softly, the robotic synthesizer within the mask making it all the more chilling. "Mighty big talk for such a fragile young Jedi."

"You really think I-" Lusaldi paused before his words registered with her. "What did you just call me...?

"Must I really repeat myself Jedi?" The man said with no enthusiasm.

"What?" She asked extremely confused. "You obviously have the wrong girl. I'm not a Jedi."

"Not yet you aren't, but in time..." He spoke while standing, slowly approaching her. "With time you will become a very powerful Jedi. You will surpass the abilities of, even, the great Luke Skywalker."

Lusaldi's eyebrows furrowed slightly as her head cocked slightly to the right. She spoke softly and calmly. "Who are you...really? Who is the man beneath the mask?"

"You mean the coward?" The man hissed rounding back around the table. "That is what you think me to be, do you not?"

"I do." She spat once again becoming frustrated.

"Ooo yes, I can feel it, the anger bubbling within you. Can't you feel it surging within you, charging every cell of your being? You want so badly to show off the power you possess to those who belittle you, but you can't you've been nothing but a worthless, pathetic, weak, submissive piece of scavenger scum who will never amount to anything good. Darkness is what controls you and it always will." The man paused for a moment. "Think of all the times that you've been stepped on in your entire life."

"I don't dwell on the past." She lied through her teeth.

"Oh but you do, that knowledge radiates off you like heat from a sun." The man paused and returned to his spot in front of her. He raised his gloved hand up close to her face. "Let's see what we have here, shall we?" Pain shot through every fiber of her mind as the man used the Force to enter her thoughts. Her eyes scrunched in pain as she gritted her teeth with an groan of pure agony. It felt as though cold, icy fingers were wedging their way into her brain to find any and all information that would be useful to them. "Hm...yes. Growing up your handler while your parents were scavenging would beat and rape you because he knew you were too pathetic to ever tell your parents, not that you're much better now." Lusaldi hadn't thought about that in years. At the young age of five, both of her parents returned to their team of scavenging in order to train her older brother, but that meant leaving her alone with one of the older boys in town. He would beat her senseless, but carefully enough to not leave any visible bruises then when she was barely conscious, he would use her for his own pleasure. It wasn't until her parents decided that she was old enough to begin her training in the family trade a year later did he finally decide to leave town but her anger and hatred for him remained. He went on to remind her of many more of her misfortunes before stumbling across a touchy subject.

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