Author's Note: SMUT YAY OR NAY? (Reader Opinion Wanted)

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And now for your Union Regulated Commercial Break. Happy Break Time!

I don't usually do Author's Notes because I feel it takes away from the story and distracts the reader from what was happening but there is a reason behind it. I write a lot of these chapters a few days in advance to keep content flowing for those of you who have added the story to your reading lists and read this daily. The last chapter has been in my mind for a few days and is causing writers block. I'm not saying there will be a pause in content as this story has been updated daily since the first chapter, but I need an opinion from my loyal readers.

Obviously something is going to happen with Kylo Ren and Lusaldi Darkmoon here, I'm not going to spoil anything, but if I did decide to get the two together how would you guys feel about.... say....


Thought I might ask what you guys think before throwing it in as I hadn't originally intended it to be a smut, though since the kiss I've been toying with the idea. Let me know what you guys think by commenting on this Author's Note.

And let me take a moment to thank you all for 400+ views, this is my first story I am actually proud of to be posting here so thanks a million guys! And harrisonmccartney points to anybody who's caught the various Undertale references I've thrown in here and there through the story.




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