Chapter Six

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Kylo was furious when he found out. A rouge Stormtrooper had aided that Resistance Pilot escape. FN-2187 to be precise. Now one of their Special Forces TIE Fighters laid wrecked on the surface of Jakku, blown out of the sky by their turboblasters. The only thing that brought him comfort was the knowledge that there was no possible way that either of the men survived, but that still didn't stop him from taking his anger out upon a control panel in one of the cell blocks with his lightsaber. Snoke was not going to pleased with this bit of information and he most certainly was going to take whatever anger he was to have out on him.

Kylo quickly made his way to Lusaldi's room, if anything was going to calm him down, it was going to be knocking his apprentice around for a while trying to train her. "Leave." He hissed at the two Stormtroopers posted outside her room. They quickly scampered off before any of Kylo's anger could be lashed out toward them. He pounded hard on the door, hard enough to break though it if it had been made of any other material than metal. The door slid open a few moments later to reveal a girl who looked nothing like the one he left an hour ago. She was beautiful, the color black really brought out the color in her skin. The clothes she had chosen really showed off her tiny figure and actually made her look pretty sexy with how much skin she showed off. Her hair had been cleaned so her dark hair hung in her eyes adding an air of mystery and darkness to her. She truly was a darksider in his opinion. Wait! What was he doing?! This girl was merely his apprentice and not long ago a prisoner in a cell, why did he have these feelings building for her in his chest. He quickly shook out his head and regained his focus. "Follow me." He bellowed trying to sound tougher and meaner than he really felt at that moment.

He led the scavenger to the training room where her first lesson would be. He walked over to the table on the side of the room and removed his helmet setting it down. Keeping his back to her he spoke in a dark, cynical voice. "Until you have a firm grasp on the force we cannot work on skills like lightsaber combat." He turned. "Before that can happen you must forge your own lightsaber, so let's start right away." He walked toward her and stood behind her before pointing over to his helmet on the table. "Pick up the helmet by using the force."

"What?" She asked turning to look at Kylo. "But I don't-"

"Pick up..." He said gripping her wrist and placing her hand out in front of her, having absolutely no patience for questions. "...the helmet." Lusaldi bit her lip softly, she had absolutely no idea on how to control the force let alone pick up an object with it, but it seemed as though she really had no choice. She stared the helmet down before glancing at her wrist where Kylo's hand still grasped. He was dangerously close to her, she could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck and his chest rising and falling against her back with each breath. "Focus now..." He spoke softly into her ear, in a much more gentle tone. "You can do this. You have the force. Just imagine what you want to have happen." The muscles in her arms tensed as she reached out at the helmet, willing it to rise slowly off the table with no results. "Stay focused. The strength of the dark side lies with the power of the individual. The Force comes from within. You must learn to draw on it yourself." The helmet began to shake slightly and slowly it lifted from the table into the air a foot or two. Kylo smirked softly. "Now gently set it down." With a shaking arm, slowly the helmet began to fall before it was set down on the table. "Excellent." He said letting go of her wrist moving over to the table to sit in the chair next to it. "Now do that fifty more times."

She sighed a slowly started on the fifty reps of lifting the helmet. They were shaky attempts for the first twenty or so times but by the end, the reps were happening so fast she lost count. Drawing upon the force was becoming simpler and simpler as time went on, what Kylo had told her was true, it really did come from within. When she finished the reps, the skin of her face was glistening with sweat, it was arguably the most strenuous activity she had done in a while. "Done?" Kylo asked looking up from his book when he heard her sigh in relief.

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