Chapter Four

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A week passed and neither the Scavenger nor the Resistance Pilot would break. Kylo Ren grew frustrated, Lord Snoke was growing impatient. With each passing day, the likelihood at the recovery of the rest of the map was growing slimmer and slimmer. The IT-O droid was losing its touch. Surely Dameron should've broken by now with its aid, but yet he remained strong. It would appear that Kylo's 'gift' would come in handy at retrieving the bit of information that was needed to get the First Order on its way to taking over the galaxy. The girl on the other hand, she was different. A simple Jedi mind trick wasn't going to work on her, he had already tried. He didn't like watching her suffer, well that was a lie. He was a member of the dark side after all, watching other people's pain was his joy, it's what drove him. This girl, however, she was different. Someone on the fence of the light and dark side was trying so hard not to fall either way, it made his job all the more important, he had to get her to the dark side. But first, Dameron was his priority.

Lusaldi had just finished another one of her hour long torture sessions with the IT-O droid. The First Order gave her regular sessions around the clock, an hour of torture, an hour to rest then repeat the process all over again, and each time a new method was used. Everything from Bone Fragmentary to Chemical torture turrets, Electroshock Nerve Probes to Flesh Peelers, Sonic Torture Devices to Joint Cripplers she had seen it all. Truth be told she was ready to break, she was beginning to see the truth behind what the man in black had been saying, the dark side was endless power a power she was getting use to using. Every time the torture sessions got very heated, or the fear of another one looming over her would take hold, there was nothing stopping her from using a 'force push' as some of the torturers called it. To her guess, it was her small way of being able to use the force. With each time she used it, a sense of power slowly grew inside her, just as the man in black had said; she had nearly killed one of the men sent with the droid to torture her, with some sort of force choke. Honestly, she liked the feeling of almost killing, it filled her with joy, but each time the feeling would overcome her, Dameron's word flooded her mind once again. It filled her with anger each time, to come so close to tipping then to have those words pull her back into the light. She wished this tug of war within herself would simply end already, she knew now where her loyalty should lie but whether or not the words would let her go easily was another question entirely.

Kylo moved from Dameron's cell to the unknown girl's cell, he had finally gotten the information he needed and was now on his way to personally see to it that this was her final torture session. They were wasting valuable time, time where she could be training. Aside from a need for his abilities, he knew the usual torturer was unable and unwilling to go into her cell once again, apparently she had almost killed him. This brought a smirk to his face when he heard this, she was close to breaking, oh so very close and he knew precisely the way to push her over the edge.

He approached the cell a few moments later, the IT-O droid hovering outside the door where Stormtroopers were posted to stand guard. This was it. The door slid open revealing the table where the girl laid restrained. This was the first time since that first day that he had seen her and boy did she look different. The torture sessions had not kind to her, dried blood stuck to her skin and hair, she shook violently and had many cuts, bruises and burns and obvious fractures and joint damage. If this was her final session, as he so hoped it would be, it was nothing their medical staff couldn't fix easily. "Early this time, aren't you Prax?" She spoke in a shaky voice, referring to the person who had once been in charge of torturing her. As he slowly rounded the table he noticed her eyes were closed, she had no idea it was him. He reached out and waved his hand past her face ceasing her shaking. The force had its perks every so often. He turned to the small rounded table behind him next to the chair he once sat in. He peeled off his cloak and threw it over the chair before he reached up to press the button that would release his mask.

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