Chapter Thirteen

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Lusaldi groaned in frustration turning her attention back upon the opened book on lightsaber construction. This was a lot more complicated than she had originally thought it was going to be. The parts she had constructed were spread out over the table. Various modulation circuits, an energy gate, a blade emitter shroud, the emitter matrix and some type of activator to turn the weapon on and off. Crafting the various pieces had actually proven to be the easy part, it was putting it all together that was the tricky part. "During assembly, it is important to not accidentally invert the emitter matrix; when improperly activated the lightsaber's power grid can backfire. At best this could cause the blade to quickly short out, but if left on the faulty weapon would violently explode, potentially killing those in close proximity. Well that certainly helps." She grumbled under her breath, studying the diagram once again.

The mechanics were being very troublesome. She had already managed to short out many of the parts in attempts to connect all the modules to the right pieces. It was a slow work in progress but she was determined to do this. There was a knock on her door. "Go away." She called not caring who it was. "I don't wish to see anybody."

"Including me?" Kylo's robotic voice met her ears.

"Yes, including you. I'm busy."

"What could possibly be more important?" He said matter-of-factly as if he were the most important person in the entire world.

"You said you wanted my saber done as soon as possible so you could focus on your mission at hand." She called before wheeling her chair over to the door, still unable to walk without great deals of pain. "Besides." She said opening the door. "I heard you brought back a prisoner, I thought you'd be wanting to interrogate them."

"She's unconscious."

"Oh if that's all..." She said about to turn back into her room. "Wait a second, she?! You took another girl prisoner?"

"Yes, I don't see why this is reason for concern."

"Maybe you don't realize what happened with your last female prisoner...." Lusaldi rolled her eyes. If there was any chance that this girl was going to steal her Kylo away from her, she was going to put a stop to it before it started.

"Wait a minute..." Kylo said pushing his way into the room as Lusaldi rolled her chair back to her desk, starting to weld the parts together once again. Kylo removed his helmet before tossing it on her bed. It bounced to the floor with a thud. "Are you seriously jealous?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, you'll never know." Lusaldi snapped.

Rolling his eyes, Kylo used the force to search through her unfocused mind. "You are."

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" She yelled throwing one of the dormant parts at him.

He easily side stepped it before approaching her. "Lusaldi...nobody is going to take me away from you. You are the one that I care for, the one I want to be with."

She sighed putting the parts down before turning to meet his obsidian eyes. "I know, it's just... It all happened so quickly for us to fall in love...I just figured that...that..."

"That it could happen again with somebody else?" She nodded as Kylo completed her sentence. "Darling, I could never fall for somebody else. I love you too much to let that happen." She sighed silently not believing him. "Don't believe me, huh?"

"It's not that I don't want to its took away the last piece of purity I had left within me...I just...I want to be sure I gave it to the right person."

Kylo gently took her hand in his but before he could respond a Stormtrooper walked in. "Pardon me-" The Stormtrooper cut off his sentence upon seeing how close Lusaldi and Kylo were. "Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"

"Nothing more than a lightsaber assembly session." Kylo scoffed looking back down at Lusaldi's hand. "I told you to be more careful, stupid girl. Next time it won't be just a measly burn mark!" Kylo walked over and retrieved his helmet from off of the floor. "What is it?"

"The Supreme Lord wishes for your presence sir." The Stormtrooper said snapping back to life.

"I'll be there in a moment, now get out of my sight."

"Yes sir." The Stormtrooper said before hurrying out of the room.

Kylo growled at him under his breath before turning back to Lusaldi. "We're not done with this conversation. We will resume it after I am done with Snoke." Lusaldi silently nodded, not pulling her attention away from her welding of wires. Kylo sighed, just a few hours ago they had been madly in love, and now they seemed like a couple that had been together a year and were secretly cheating on one another. He placed his helmet upon his head before exiting the room. What was he to do? The only reason he had taken the other girl was because she had seen the map! She was a sitting duck while that damned droid escaped once again. She was going to be the easier of the two to capture. Just a little force power and the wave of a hand and she was falling into his arms for him to carry back to the ship to take prisoner. All he would have to do now is look into her mind and find what part of it was storing what she saw of the map, piece of cake.

But Lusaldi didn't see it that way. All she could think about was how she and Kylo came together as a couple. She was taken prisoner, she was tortured, she was trained, and she was fucked. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again with somebody else? After all, he was a man... She scoffed at this thought and carefully dropped her Kyber Crystal into the power chamber and smiled as the crystal glowed, accepting its new placement. Closing the side of the hilt she glanced down at her good work. The hilt was made of black metal with chrome embellishments. Slowly she picked up the hilt, making a few final adjustments before activating the blade. A perfect black light snapped out with a crackle of power and flickered a moment as the power got use to coursing through the new device. When the light beam settled, she gave it a few waves, smiling as nothing changed. It was perfect. She retracted the blade, and attached the piece that would allow it to hook her saber to her belt. Then a thought came to mind. This lightsaber would be the solution to her problem, and she knew exactly how to do it.

Kylo hurried into the hologram room to see Snoke appear. "My lord." He bowed.

"I trust the final portion of the map is in our possession?" Snoke asked.

Before Kylo could respond, Hux came angrily into room. "No it is not!" He snapped.

"What do you mean?" Snoke growled.

"The prince here took another prisoner, another female at that. Said we didn't need the map, only the girl." Hux yelled glaring at Kylo.

"What is the meaning of this Ren?" Snoke belowed.

"She has seen the map sir, we can get it from her. That damned droid escaped again and she was trapped. I figured..."

"What was a real reason?" Hux yelled. "A few minutes more and the real map would be in our possession, not just a memory that may or may not be completely accurate!"

"Solo was there sir...." Kylo said his head falling slightly. That had been the first time he saw his father since his parents shipped him off.

"I suspect that this call back to the light side is a lot stronger than you want to believe it is my apprentice." Snoke spoke in a deep cynical tone. "If you're not careful of where you step, you might just find yourself going back, and you know what I'd have to do to you then, am I correct?"

Kylo swallowed hard, genuinely afraid for his life. It wasn't just his father being present on Takodana that made him slowly start to question the First Order's beliefs, it was his love for Lusaldi. He knew as long as they were on the dark side, they could never be together. Completing the task Snoke was referring to, would only take away part of his calling, it would not solve the problem entirely, and he did not want that day to come anytime soon. "Yes sir..."

"To complete your transition to the dark side, you must kill your father, you must kill Han Solo." 

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