What Happened on Christmas

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It was a cold night. Snow falls down out of the window and the fire warms the room where the lady patiently waits for more news. The battle was still going, even though it was Christmas Evening. She was aware of the dangers which the Kings were involved and her mind couldn't stop thinking about the worse that could possibly happen. As them, she wasn't from Narnia. Her world was broken into pieces and her memories were all blurs from a distant past. Her name was (y/n), now forgotten by the human world, she felt she belonged to Narnia; and also to one King. She places her hands down on her thighs, looking to the door as if it would suddenly be opened and good news would come to her ears. She can hear bells in the distance, announcing midnight and the time of Christmas celebration. But she wasn't celebrating this night. There wasn't any reasons to do so. Peter was in battle, part because of her. Most people blame her for starting this war but he was the only one who assured her that this wasn't her doing. With a sigh, she gets up from the chair she was sited and walks down to the hallway that would lead to the outside of the castle. She needed to get some fresh air or her mind would go crazy. As she walks, she feels the cold wind and the snow falling into her soft hair. Her skin gets cold but she doesn't mind, she wanted to be placed in the same situation he was now, on the cold night, left to probably die. She bites her lower lip as she feels someone approach to her. Her tricky mind at first imagined to be Peter's footsteps coming towards her but soon she founds out to be wrong. From her left, two men appears, both wearing iron masks and swords in hands. She unconsciously gives a step back but there was nowhere to run, she was trapped. (Y/n) lets a loud scream escape from her lips as she screams for help. The hand of one man, however is faster, covering her mouth shut and stopping any other being from hearing her screams. Her eyes were in pure agony and fear, by the masks, she could recognize the semblance of telmarine soldiers, some rebels which Peter and the others were fighting against. And now she would be their prisoner. Oh Aslan, what she had done?

- - -

She had no idea where she was at. The only thing she knew was that she was hungry and felt cold from her toes to the top of her head. The dress she was wearing wasn't enough to keep her warm and the place she was at seemed to be colder than the snow itself. When she had awaken, hours a go, she had found herself locked, with her hands tightened to chains and her mouth shut with some ropes. She tried to free herself but found the action useless, she was too weak and even if she could break the chains and escape the room, how would she defeat the guards? She did not know how to fight or even hold a sword properly. The only time she tried she almost took Peter's head out of his shoulders. Think about him make her go sad, after all now the telmarines had a object of bargain: her. Probably the entire kingdom knew about the feelings the King and (y/n) shared and would definitely use it against them. She wanted to cry but at the same time, did not want to show weakness. As the doors are opened again, she feels her heart stop. The brunette man is thrown inside the dungeon and (y/n) would had run to him if her feet weren't hold by chains. As soon as he is putted inside, he gets up, with a playful smile. She frowns deeply and stares at Edmund who was still some why happy for being there.
As soon as he notices her frightened look he relaxes his expression and walks towards her in a rush.
"For Aslan's mane!" He says in a soft tone but still somewhat accusatory. (Y/n) knew he wasn't exactly in accord with her relationship with Peter, but that wasn't of his business, she was sure Peter wouldn't interfere in Edmund's personal life so he shouldn't worry about Peter's.
He takes the rope out of her mouth and she takes a deep breath. Noticing her tremble, he instantly gives her his coat and sighs deeply. The dark hair was filled with snow so as his long eyelashes.
"What are you doing here?" She questioned him as furrows her eyebrows clearly confused.
With another sigh, he sits at her side, fearing for her to have been hurt or any of this sort. He knew Peter would go crazy if someone had touched his beloved.
"Rescue mission. I'm playing the innocent guy, the one who can't defend myself."
With that she frowns even more.
"They don't know you're the King?" Edmund simply gets up and goes to spy through the bars on the door.
"No. But they will get to know that soon enough, ma'am."

- - -

Sounds of explosions woke her up. After Edmund made sure she would be safe, he told her to rest. Lying down in his lap, (y/n) could finally have some comfort and sleep without those constant nightmares about having Peter killed. When she hears the sound of battle close to her, she sits up straight and follows Edmund's gaze to the door. They would be there any second to kill her, so Peter and the narnians would regret invading their territory. She wasn't afraid but she couldn't be confident either. She trusted Edmund was the most qualified man to protect her but he was out of sword and there could be more than a hundred of men. The door is shout opened and her thoughts are cleared when the first telmarine gets in, shaking his sword on her direction. Quickly, Edmund gets in front of her in a protective way and goes to face the man. Covering her mouth with her hands, she holds back a scream of fear when he is almost cut in half before taking the man's sword and taking his life away. More two men get inside but they cannot escape their fate, both died.
She was shocked but still relieved that nothing bad had happened till now.
"C'mon. We have to get out of here." He says in a commanding voice and she follows him outside. More guards seemed to appear out of nowhere but she stays firm, walking always behind Edmund so he could defend her without being constantly worried where she would be.
They manage to get out of that fortress and she can finally see the narnian army down the vast camp in front of the place, in the front line, the man she was hoping to see for too long. Peter.
She wasn't the only one who had found tbe comforted eyes of her beloved. Peter was looking to the top of the fortress where they were, and by his expression she could tell he had recognized her. For a moment she was frozen, wanting badly to just get out of there and celebrate Christmas with Peter Pevensie. The Just King is the one who wakes her up.
"C'mon (y/n), there will be time for you and Peter look in each others eyes." He teases and starts walking to the exit. The guards in that area were all defeated but she knew more would come at any time. Edmund had an horse close to where they were trapped and as soon as they get there, he rides the horse and offers his hands for (y/n) to take it. Hesitantly she holds his hands and sits behind him, with her hands up on his shoulders. She can tell he was smiling but she just ignores it, she wanted to see Peter badly, and Edmund wasn't making things any easier.
Both of them go down the field and stop by the camp. She gets down with any help and instantly starts searching for Peter, but she knew he would probably still be at battlefield, fighting in the cold. Noticing she was still with Edmund's coat she hands it back, taking in place a more comfortable blanket to cover her body as they wait. Soldiers came to ask her if everything was okay, if she was hurt or any sort of thing. She smiles politely and just nods negatively. (Y/n) was known by being gentle and kind to anyone, so it was normal to assume they would care for her. It passed hours where she started to get worried about what was going on on the fields. Where could Pet-
"(Y/n)!" She hears and instantly gets up, taking away the blanket from her body and turning in the direction of the voice which she knew so well.
Peter was at least five meters away from her, was still wearing the combat suit and his sword was filled with telmarine blood, but she did not care. He was alive and was smiling at her. Her eyes searched for his and founs the worry expression she herself also possessed. The moment couldn't be described not even with the best words. They start running to each other, he had let the sword fall to the ground and had the open arms ready to receive her into a huge hug. She felt as if her whole world was slowly fading away as she reaches him and his arms involves her tiny body.
She comfortably hugs him and probably would never let him go again, she felt safe when around him.
"By Aslan, how I was worried they would had hurt you." He says in a whisper and then holds her by her shoulders as observing if there was any cut or bruises.
"I'm okay..." she says softly and places her hand on his left cheek, caressing it gently. "We are both safe now." He holds her hand and smile softly.
"We are. The war is over. It's time to celebrate Christmas don't you think?" He teases and smiles bright before holding her by her waist and gently placing a kiss on her lips.
"Christmas time." She just says before kissing his nose and as holding his hand, they both walk away the field, destined to celebrate Christmas their own way.

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