Shooting Rocks

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She thought it couldn't get any worse, but of course she was wrong. The telmarines were everywhere, when Sifa thought they were having any sort of advantage, the bloody ironed army of the telmarines brought a new surprise - catapults. Of course. Why haven't they thought of that? The woman stands on her feet, trying to keep her heart controlled but it wasn't working very well. By her side, she sees as Susan repeatedly puts an arrow on her bow, shooting the enemy without mercy and always hitting her target.

For a moment, she finds herself petrified on the top of that rock - she wasn't as skilled, she was nothing but a problematic, damaged girl who ended up picking a losing side. Not that she would change her mind, not that she would betray the narnians or... Peter. Her eyes scan down, finding the blond boy fighting for more than just his life, fighting for his cause, for the narnians. That was enough to make her return to put her bow up, putting down some men that were heading his way. Peter looks up as acknowledging the fact, and she could swear he had smiled at her. But it didn't matter now. A rock ball was thrown at the fortress, making the whole structure shake. Susan kept yelling orders, but Sifa could no longer hear her. The sound of rocks and trees falling towards them was too high, in one second she was contemplating how to keep herself alive, and in the other, she was holding Susan's hand, while she held Trumpkin's. The fall was of at least ten feet, survival was not a best chance for any of the girls - at least Susan would be able to fall on the top of her, her damage would be lesser.

Her hand loses its grip towards Susan's, and she falls in the open air, thinking of her certain death. What had she accomplished in life? Absolutely nothing. At least she would die for a good cause. However, her feet meet solid ground before expected, her whole body hits a rock and she tilts back trying to keep her body straight. Sifa stumbles back just in time before Susan falls behind her. She meets the girl's eyes briefly before looking down, finding two men staring at them with relieved expressions. The girl could not stop watching him, and only when Susan called her up that she returned to her senses.

"Let's go, we have a battle to win." Susan says and starts moving to get down the rock, she smirks at Sifa and finishes her sentence. "And you have a Pevensie to kiss." Sifa's cheeks get pinky and she simply nods negatively. Was it that obvious?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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