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"Well this is a nice change of scenery."

"It's a prison cell!"

"I was being sarcastic."

I sighed in frustration at Steve's wise cracking and oddly enough his calmness of this whole situation. He was sitting on the lower bunk, his jacket discarded on the other side of the room. He was grinning to himself as leaned lazily against the concrete wall.

"Steve don't you understand we're in prison!" I snapped. "Oh my god, I can't believe you got us arrested."

"No I thought this was the end of our date, I planned to consummate it on this bed." He crowed.

I crossed the prison cell in a few steps and ,frustrated, began hitting Steve on the arm whilst telling him off. He half-heartedly lifted his hands to defend himself since I was small and my blows weren't really hurting him at all.

"You're such an idiot Steve Randle! How can you be laughing and joking at a time like this? We're in prison because you just had to win that freaking drag race!"

"Oh no, someone help," Steve feigned pain, "there's a mosquito biting me." He squealed laughing hysterically at his own joke.

I screamed in frustration before throwing myself into the corner, furthest away from Steve. I felt the warm tears slip down my cheek, I wiped they away hastily not wanting Steve to see them. After all greaser girls are tough and I'm just a weak Soc girl.

Steve's laughter subsided and soon the the cell was silent except for my labored breathing which was painfully loud. Shortly after Steve's silence I felt him slide down the wall and sit beside me before throwing an arm over my shoulder. He pulled my closer and I leaned into his arms, despite all my anger and frustration towards this boy I still liked him a lot.

"Well this was a hell of a first date I must say." He chuckled, his chest vibrating as I held on tightly to his torso.

"Yeah, never had one quite like it." I giggled.

"Now just how many have you been on?" He teased lifting my head up, he wiped my tears away as he stared into my eyes (ew writing that makes me wanna puke).

"None that were as fun as this."

"You're not so mad I got us arrested?" Steve asked meekly.

"Oh no I'm pissed beyond belief about that but I think I can look past it." I giggled pecking his cheek.

"Good cause, well I was planning on asking you out on another date, ay know if you didn't hate me after this one." He grinned.

"I'll say yes as long as I don't need to participate in any more drag races."

"No more drag races whilst you are in the car, scouts honour." Steve smirked raising one hand into the air, palm out and the other placed against the right side of his chest.

"Um Steve, your hearts in the middle."

"I knew that."

I am absolutely atrocious when it comes to endings, holy shit that was terrible.

Also I realised half way through writing that Steve was kinda acting more like Twobit would since ya know he's the jokester and wise cracker but I mean I thought Steve would act like that being locked up, not a single fuck being given.

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