Amethyst's P.O.V.

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Chapter 19

~Skype Connecting~

Sascha: Hey girl what's going on?

Me: Nothing I had my first group date yesterday. Have you seen the episode on TV yet?

Lou: Yes we just got done watching it. I wish I was there I love playing sports.

Me: Well hello there Lou haha When this is all over you and I will play some one on one!

Lou: Sounds good. Well im going to go know because these are my best mate and I don't want to effect anything. Have a great day love see you very soon.

Me: Wait Lou I have a question?

Lou: Go for it.

Me: How is Zayn doing with everything?

Lou: After he watched the episode he realized what he had done wrong and I believe it has truly changed him he was with a girl the other day and he was on his best behavior. When he sees you he has a surprise for you. Ok got to go know by! :)

Me: Bye! Ok Sascha I don't know what to do. Who do I get rid of. I love them all they all have a piece of me but I just don't know who to let go of.

Sascha: Well it looks to me that you have the same connection with all of them but that's just me. Sorry to say this girl but its kinda how your heart feels its out of my control to tell you what to do. But My BF is on the other line so I will have to let you go. Knowing you, you will make the right decision just watch a chick flick a tearjerker one and I bet that will help.

Me: Thanks girl. See you so thanks for the advice-ish!

~Call Ends~

I make my way down to the movie theater in the basement of the house. The guys are not here today they had to do something with their management for the band. So its just me, this blanket, these movies and this bucket of ice cream. Im going to watch Dear John its a tear jerker I think. I watch the movie and each of the scenes I think about each guy and everything we have done. First was Harry.

Harry is so fun to be around he brings out my crazy side. He gets me moving, makes me laugh. And those luscious curls are so fun to play with. That bowling date is an example that took out my wild side. I just feel friendship though nothing more.

Liam is sweet. He brings surprises and makes me smile in any situation. Our quirky moments are the best. Like when he told me about being afraid of spoons. Or yesterday when I caught him dancing on the table with his underwear. Ha that child.

Then their is Niall. That crazy child always eating, looking for adventures. He makes me laugh as do the rest. But he makes me laugh in a different way. I feel clumsy around him. Like on the boat when I fell off ... or did he push me... I don't remember.

Each on of these boys has a specific piece of my heart but who do I want to be with is the big question. I think I have an idea. I might send Harry home because of the friend only feeling. That leaves me with Niall and Liam. Why does love have to be so complicated.

As the movie came to an end I popped in another one and another one after that. Basically all day I watched movies. As the last movie I could stay awake for cam to an end I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep for the night.


The next morning I woke up to Niall, Liam, and Harry sound asleep spread out around the room. Aww these boys are just to cute. I snuck upstairs to make myself some coffee. After I got coffee I put my swim suit on and chilled in the hot tub. it was relaxing. At that moment I had realized im practically dating the band One Direction and the only time I have ever herd them sing was on the X-Factor. I will listen to their album. They said they had one out.

I went inside and grabbed my laptop then went to YouTube and put their album on low. I listened to it in the hot tub for like forty-five minutes till the end of the album. After that I got out and dried off. I went to go shopping for a new rose ceremony dress for tonight. I threw on some slacks and a loose tank with a messy hair bun and some mismatched flip flops.

Before I stopped at a store to shop I went by chipotle for some lunch. Now off to Guess first. At guess there was an assortment of cute dresses for tonight but none that really popped out. I tried about 5 different store till I found the perfect dress. It was shiny, silk, long, and navy blue. Its kind of a one shoulder but at the same time its not it really just hangs off one shoulder. But it was perfect. I bought it they bagged it up and by the time I got home it was time to get ready for the next rose ceremony.


Authors Note: Hey guys thanks for waiting for like a really long time for this. I know im bad at updating but I finally have inspiration. You know what else I have I have a giant twist coming up in this story and its happening next chapter. Ahhh I cant wait!!! :) Stay cool. Oh and BTW I wrote this whole chapter on the 4th of July 2013!!!  And im about to start the next chapter after this one.

The BacheloretteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora