Finals to Firsts

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Chapter 8

The sun so brightly shinned in my room at the crack of dawn this morning and i arose form my bed. Quickly hopping in the shower so i could go down stairs and eat breakfast and to also find out what the plan is for Harry and Zayn.

Its about 7:00 AM as i walk down stairs and everyone is sound asleep so i just go get my self a bowl of fruity pebbles and walk into the living room to turn on some cartoons.

After i had finished my breakfast  there was still no one awake. But as soon as i decided to close my eyes. 3 boys come racing out to the kitchen for food.

They all 3 got their food and came and joined me. I laughed at the fact that everyone was there EXCEPT Harry and Zayn.

It was about 11:30 AM before the boys rolled out of bed and came to get breakfast even though it was lunch time.

"Good morning sleepy heads. Whats the plan for today?," i ask the boys as they walk out of the kitchen with huge bowls of cereal.

Whispering to each other for a second then they look up. Silence is upon us as they both take large bites of cereal. "well  . . . " i say looking at them for a response seems like i asked them 5 minutes ago.

"Oh Zayn is taking you out for lunch and i get dinner." Harry says with his mouth so full  it just sounded like mumbling but i could still understand what he said.

"Well i will go upstairs and get ready what time were you thinking Zayn?"

"How about 12:30 .... sound good?"

"Sounds great!" i answer and go up to my room.

I sit in the front of my mirror and start to put on my eyeliner..... but then a random buzz came out of no where and i stabbed myself in the eye. it really hurt but i walked over to my computer and read the email i had just gotten.

To: Amethyst_The_Rock

   Hey Girlie i miss ya! Hows the first week with the boys going? I hope there isn't drama yet. haha

I decided to reply real quick i mean i have an hour!

To: Sascha_Lynn

Hey i miss ya to! Things are going great up here. There are 5 boys.... 4 from England and 1 from Ireland. They are all so sweet! No drama yet. sadly it is upon us at the rose ceremony in 2 days. How have you been?

From: Amethyst_The_Rock

After i click send in my response i finish doing my Eye liner and the rest of my eye make-up. Next is the closet for clothes.

I was told we were going out to lunch so i thought maybe i would dress nicely. I put a pair of my new heels on about 3 inches tall and some white skinnies and how about a purple flowey white top! Hmm perfect. i go and lay back on my bed it is about 12:15.

To: Amethyst_The_Rock

Oh wow didn't expect you to reply that fast.... O.o Anyway..... I'm glad your having fun! Are you able to skype later tonight? If not that's OK! I just miss my best Friend!

From: Sascha_Lynn

I hear a knock on the door and i say quickly "be right there i have to finish something.And i quickly reply to Sascha.

To: Sascha_Lynn

hahah i had some spare time to reply. I'm actually leaving now for my next date. And can we wait for tomorrow to skype I have another late date tonight. Tomorrow i should be free all day! Its gonna be FRIDAY!!!

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