5: Dates . . .

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Chapter 5

It was about 11:45 when we all started waking up outside and that was only because the pool cleaner was there with his stupid loud machines. As I opened my eyes, I realized Zayn was gone, Louis had rolled off his bed and was on the ground sound asleep, Liam was all curled up into a tiny ball, and I was over here squished in between Niall and Harry. Not saying it was a bad thing! ;) I nudged around a little trying to wake up Harry who is quite the heavy sleeper.

"Harry wake up . . . it's time to get up, wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" I shouted really loudly.

"I'M UP! WHERE ARE THE EGGS AND BACON?" Niall screams shooting straight up out of his sleep.

"There's leftovers in the fridge form yesterday or there's cereal in the cabinet." I tell Niall as he gets up to go feed himself.

Meanwhile, Harry is still asleep and Liam starts sitting up with his eyes half closed. Louis is on the ground twitching and freaking out before he then wakes up after a bad dream.

"Are you Okay Lou?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah love, it was just a bad dream." says Louis looking like he was about to break a sweat.

"Lou, you are just too cute. Okay guys, tonight is my first night with a date so let's go inside and find Zayn so I can draw out a name." I say.

We all go inside, yell, and look around for Zayn. Liam found him sound asleep all covered up in his bed.

"Found him guys," Liam yells to all of us from the top of the staircase.

All the boys go upstairs to wake up Zayn while I sit in the living room eager to find out who will be taking me on the first date tonight. They all walked down and came to join me on the couches to find out what is going on.

"Okay guys, this is the basic plan for the rest of the time we are going to be here."

They all said Okay and promised to be quiet as I explained.

"I will be going on dates with you guys . . . yay! But every morning I will pick 1 or 2 names for that day. Those people will either take me on a dinner date, lunch date, or an all day date. This upcoming Sunday night will be the rose ceremony where I will have to be sending one of you guys home sadly."

"No need to do this guys cause we all know I'm gonna win," Zayn says rudely interrupting me.

"Ehh hemm . . . as I was saying, the first date tonight will be . . . Liam!! So since Liam is first, you guys have all day to figure out where you would like to take me on as our first date so you are ready when you are chosen. Liam, I will be up in my room so come tell me what the plan is whenever!" I finish.

I then stood up, got a bowl of Trix cereal and then went up to my room to catch up on some Pretty Little Liars episodes. 3 hours pass by and it is about 3:30 when I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh hey Liam come in." I said when I saw him, leading him in, shutting the door behind me, and seating him at a small table in my room.

"Okay, I know this is like lame but I'm going to take you out to dinner for our date. I feel that we don't know each other very well yet and this is the perfect and fun way to do it. Sound good?" Liam asks hesitantly like I was going to say no.

"That's a great idea, I love it! What kind of restaurant? Like elegant or fun or in between?" I reply, I honestly thought it was a good idea.

"How about in between! And I will be back up around 7:00 ish?" says Liam relieved that I had liked his idea.

"Sounds good, see you then!" I say real excitedly.

I start to lead him out the door so I could start getting ready. Then all of a sudden, he stops the door before I could close it all the way, leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I blush as he walks away and closes the door after him.

As the door closes I snap back into the moment after being in shock for what had just happened. I walk to the bathroom and start showering. In the shower I keep rolling over that moment with Liam and I at the door in my head over and over again. It must have taken a lot of balls to do that. He was the first one to kiss me . . . that's really exciting. I feel like we already have a huge connection! After my shower, I start putting my on my makeup and picking out my outfit for the night.


Authors Note:  Aww how cute her first kinda kiss with one of the boys! So keep reading/commenting/fanning/voteing because you guys are the leaders of this book. ( Editing by: NYdreams ) Love ya lots! x

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