Epilogue Part 1

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Epilogue Part 1

Its been a year since Liam and I have been together. I had our son James 2 months ago and today is my wedding day. I am so excited we are getting married at the same place Niall's bother got Married, its a beautiful venue. My dress is like a big white princess dress tightly fitted on the top and puffy on the bottom, totally fits my personality. My Maid of Honor is Sascha of course and my brides maids are Hailey (Louis' girlfriend), Zoe (Niall's girlfriend), Megan (Zayn's girlfriend), Olivia (Harry's girlfriend) and Lou Teasdale. Who knew that this day would come where a famous boy band there is not one single guy. I shouldn't say that because it probably breaks all those fan girls hearts. I'm with ya girls I used to be a fan girl in the Bieber category!

Speaking of fan girls there are so many screaming ones here outside the venue right now. I wish they would go away but I'm to nice. Another reason why I'm to nice is I called the police to come set up fences and let everyone in but if a single one of them made a sound they would be kicked out. Probably not the smartest idea but Liam agreed with it. Were great people and that is why I love him.

A few hours later I was in my dressing room getting ready with the girls. Liam had little James with all the guys getting him in his little tux. Lux is our flower girl, the best man is Andy Samuels, grooms men are the boys and Paul. Lux is going to pull little James (who is the ring baron) in a wagon while she also throws beautiful rose pedals.

The wedding was about to start I could hear the music playing and brides maids with their grooms men walking down. After they all went, next was Lux and James they are just so adorable. It was my turn I walked down slowly wrapped within my father's arm. I got up to the alter and I just couldn't stop smiling.

"You may now kiss the bride." Everyone clapped their hands. Liam and I kissed and the fan girls went crazy. Our plan actually had worked no one was screaming to ruin it. It just shows they have respect for the boys. Now it was time for the reception!

I went and changed into a shorter party dress, we ate then it was time for the slow dance. We danced to Over and Over by 5SOS. It was sweet. After that the pace picked up and everyone was having the time of their lives. People met new people, the food was great, I could not have asked for a better wedding! I guess after that first dinner date with Liam I knew he was the one.

I threw the bouquet of flowers and Hailey was the one to catch them. I was so happy she caught them her and Lou are ready to be married they are perfect for each other.

"Hey guys I just want to thank you all for coming, this was a very special day for Liam and I and we have many more special adventures ahead of us. Have a great rest of your night and see you all soon." I said and Liam an I said our good byes and made our way out. The reception was in a hotel so we went up to our room. The boys and their girlfriends offered to take down and clean up.

We made it up to our room and layed down on the bed to take in the day. We ended up just cuddling and falling fast asleep in our clothes.


Authors note: Seriously part 2 will be the end of the book. I love this book its my baby, its my first and honestly knowing my personality I never would have thought I would finish it. Now is just cleaning and editing this baby up!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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