Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

My eyes rolled open at around 9:30am. Liam was gone I was covered in a blanket laying on a pillow. When did he leave? Where did he go? I sat up and rubbed my eyes some more getting used to the light. Then I stood up and walked around to try and find him.

"Hey Liam are you there?" I pushed through some bushes. I see a figure at the white gazebo.

"Is that you Liam?" I ask getting closer. Once I arrived at the gazebo there he was, Liam brought a picnic blanket, went and bought McDonalds for breakfast and set it up for me.

"Oh hey there babe." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

"There are a change of clothes in that bag right there." He pointed to a bag on the gazebo bench I went and grabbed it then went behind some bushes to change. There was some back soffe shorts and aww he even packed me a bra and well there one of my thongs. This boy is just to cute. I get everything on and once everything was on I realized there was no shirt.

"Uhh Liam there is no shirt in here." I yell. I herd him mumble oh shit. It was quite cute. Al off a sudden there was a shirt handed to me from the bushes. I reached out and grabbed in then put it on. It was one of his shirts.

When I walked out I adjusted the shirt then looked up to realized Liam not only gave me his shirt he gave me the one he was wearing.

"Aww Liam you didn't have to give me the shirt you were wearing I could have just put my dress back on." Its ok love its more appropriate then you in a dress or your bra." We both laughed and we sat down and started eating.

After eating we layed on the blanket in each others arm and stared at the sky picking out different cloud shapes. About 20 minutes passed and out of no where it started raining.

"Oh my gosh!" We shouted standing up cleaning up quickly. All of a sudden I was picked up off the ground and Liam was running in the field. We played around in the rain. We were having so much fun I didn't notice the mud puddle in front of me and I slipped and fell into it. It was cold and squishy in places I would never imagine. I could slightly see him but what I did see was him laughing. I decided to take a clump of mud and throw it at him I hit him on his right shoulder her fell to the ground and yelled.

"Ahh I've been shot by a mud ball someone please come help!" He layed on the ground pretending to slowly die. I played along with it.

"Oh no I will save you." I ran over to him, kneeled, and cleaned off his shoulder.

"Ooooh that looks bad we will have to take you to the hospital." I winked.

"Maybe I can just used the medicine you have?" I smiled at me. I was a little confused then caught on. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He pulled me closer and I feel both of our lips slightly come apart smiling. Moments later we sat up and he rolled onto one knee. and pulled out a little box.

"Amethyst, these few weeks have been amazing and I'm so thrilled I'm the one you fell in love with. I love you some much and.. and... and ... well... will you marry me?" He stuttered. Tears came from my eyes this time they were happy tears.

"Yes Liam I will marry you!" I stood up and ran to him. He put the ring on me and picked me up once more and spun me around. I slid down his body and our lips met once again.


We made our way back to the house to freshen up and pack our stuff. The limo was coming to pick us up and take us to the airport. The plan was to go home to our families and figure the rest out over Skype and calling. Last night we were thinking we would move somewhere around central London. And that I could go on tour with him so we wouldn't have to be so far apart all the time.

A few hours later we were all packed up and waited by the door for the limo. While we waited we sat on our luggage and leaned on him. I was actually going to miss this place but I was ready to go home and get settled with Liam and our life ahead of us.


Authors Note: So this was the last official chapter!!! Crazy how this book is almost ending my very first on ever. I actually want to start crying!! :) Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me since the beginning!! :) Epilogue is next!! :)

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