Second Rose Ceremony

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Chapter 17

I just got out of the shower now I am  looking in my closet for something to wear. I walked into my neatly organized closet. I had my dresses on one side my shirts in another and my shoes on the back. There was shelf above my shoes and that is where my accessories were.

Like necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. I went over to the side of the dresses. Hmm. I wore a half black dress the first night, so now I think I need a long dress. Oh I haven’t worn a purple dress and this one looks really pretty. It is a long Qpid Showgirl Purple Luxury Design Chiffon Evening Dress. It is strapless and has a silvery belt thing in the middle I will wear this one.

I take the dress down and lay it out on my bed. Then I walk back in my room to find shoes. What shoes will match this? I really don’t want to wear purple heels.  I glance from side to side and a pair of shiny gold Sergio Rossi Cachet Pumps catches my eye. These are perfect. I reach for them and set them next to the dress. Now to aaccessorize!

I love bows so I grab a black bow necklace and a silver bow ring. For my bracelets I will be wearing two purple bangles and one gold. Earrings are gold dangly hexagons with black in the middle.

I should start with my make-up then clothes then aaccessories haha. What shall I do with my hair? For inspiration I pick up a magazine and look through the fashion section. This ones cute. It is a natural wavy with a braid from the front to back on one side. My eyes I do some black liquid eye liner then a brownish-tan eye shadow then some mascara. i also do some fixing to my eyebrows.

Next is nails I think I'm going to take my navy blue for the first coat then take my assorted color shimmer and dab that on top. 

While my nails were drying I decide to start watching a series on Netflix. I will watch make it or break it. One episode passed and my nails were dry. I hear a slight knock on the door. I get up and answer the door.


"Hi, Amethyst I just wanted to tell you that the rose ceremony starts in 15 minutes so I would hurry and finish getting ready if I were you." Said the host of the show.

"Oh yea sorry I will be ready by then.  Thank you."

I close the door then walk over to my dress. I took off my tank top and basketball shorts then slowly slipped the beautiful silky dress over my bra and underwear. Before putting on my shoes I put my bracelets, earrings and ring on. I had a hard time getting my necklace on so I thought I would just forget about it. Then I put bright pink Illamasqua Petulant Intense lip gloss on and lastly came my shoes. Right as I was about to spray myself with perfume I heard a knock on the door again.

"Ughh, I'm coming a girl can only get ready so fast. As I was putting on my other show I hoped over to the door and opened it.

"Oh Hey Liam... what are you doing up here?" I said a light blush rushed across my face.

"I was sent to come get you. The show is about to start." Liam said eye-balling me up and down.

"Ok well I'm ready." I go back and spritz myself with my Justin Bieber girlfriend perfume and then walk back to the door. But I remembered hey this is perfect I can get Liam to put my necklace on for me because its co cute and it matches the ring and I really want to wear it.

"Hey Liam will you put this on for me please." I grab the necklace and walk over to him.

"Sure." He smiles and takes the necklace. Then I feel his soft fingertips rush across my back as he moves my hair to put the necklace on. I shivered a little because it tickled.

He secured it on and I adjusted it. I shut the light off in my room and closed the door. Then began walking down to the Rose ceremony room.


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