Pool Party

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Chapter 3: Pool Party

It was about 10 minutes before the barbecue and there was no one in sight nor was here anything set up and when I say set up I mean no food. So I decided to go get a table cloth to put on the table and organize the chairs. I set 2 on each side and one each of the ends. That should equal 6 if I’m able to count right. It’s been about 5 minutes and there is still no one is sight so I continue to get things ready. As I walk inside the kitchen I notice the food is in the same spot as after breakfast so I get all the food together and bring it all outside. We had burgers, hot dogs, and all that stuff you put with it. For sides we had your basic variety of chips. For drinks we had Pepsi products and some sparkling wine but that was for later tonight.

At about noon was when the BBQ was scheduled for but no one was here yet STILL where could those crazy boys be? 12:10 comes along so I decide to put on some shades and lay back in the sun with my bright black and yellow stripe bikini.

All of a sudden I hear the door open and the sound of feet quietly skid across the ground and some whispers and giggles. A few seconds later I feel cold hands pick me up and throw me in the pool. While im flying through the air the other boys all cannon ball into different parts of the pool!

As I swim to the top to catch my breath, and when I catch my breath and open my eyes everyone is just dying of laughter. "Are you guy’s nuts!! This water is fucking cold!"  I said getting out shivering while Liam wraps me up in a towel.  "Sorry love but it was perfect timing," Zayn said after catching his breath for laughing so hard.

He makes his way over to give me a hug. As he stands there with his arms open of an apology hug, I make my way over and lean in for a hug and push him in the pool! I scream "PAYBACKS A BITCH AINT IT"!   Therefore everyone was yet again dying of laughter. I threw my towel on the chair and jumped back in the pool with Liam. When we jumped we both did crazy moves and funny faces!

We arose from the bottom and started treading water. "OK you got your payback now let’s do something." Zayn said while trying to fix his hair even though he’s going under again.  "Zayn why are you fixing your hair when you know we will get you under again?" Louis asked in an eager tone. "Just because I want to now leave me to it" We all start laughing again but not hysterically.

"Hey guys I have an idea," Niall says while floating on a noodle. "And what is that," Harry and I say in unison. Harry looks at me and we both chuckle after saying the same exact thing at the same exact time.

"Let’s play chicken!"

"Great idea whose on what teams?" I ask

"Me and harry are on a team," Louis shouts as quick as he can so no one else could have Harry.

"OK then Amethyst will be on my team," says Niall with a big grin on his face. I have a feeling he has some tricks up his sleeves.

"So then Liam and Zayn will be on a team." Niall says but right after I wonder, "Uhmm 3 way chicken . . . isn't that like impossible let alone dangerous . . . especially with me!"

"Nah you'll be fine darling," Niall says with his adorable accent "Now let’s play!"

I get on Niall's shoulders, Louis is on Harry's, and Liam is on Zayn's. "I'm very scared guys, you are all much bigger than me I will be under in a matter of seconds . . ." I say before my face starts dropping because all I can think of is me being worthless  and a loser just because I'm a girl.

"Cheer up my love I'm pretty sure you will be fine I mean look at me I'm not that muscular as the lads underneath us," Louis says trying to cheer me up. "Hey I'm muscular!" Liam interrupts jokingly upset. I chuckle at that comment because that cheered my up. "Sorry Li you know I meant well." Louis says apologetically. "OK let’s start already." says Harry looking like he’s about to just fall over in the pool with Louis on top of him!

"Ready . . .

Set . . .

Go. . . "

*SPLASH"   Yes Louis and I teamed up and pushed Liam under. 1 down 1 to go.

“Get him, Get him.” Liam and Zayn chant while watching Louis and I try to take each other down. All of a sudden Harry slides right under the water with Louis following him. "Yes we won" I say going under the water to get off of Niall's shoulders.

"Hey that's not fair Niall slid my foot out from underneath me under the water." Now I know why Niall was grinning so big because he did have some tricks up his sleeve.

"Calm down Harry we will play again." For the next hour we all spent taking turns on each other’s shoulders playing chicken and messing around in the pool. I was even on the bottom. Who knew I was that strong. I held up Louis and Harry, which was about it. I tried with Niall but he’s not fat he just has a lot of food in him.

After an hour we all get out all pruned and decide to eat. Liam starts the grill to start cooking the burgers and hot dogs. I go inside to look in the fridge for more food and ice. I found some beans and potato salad and then brought it out side. When I came outside everyone had either a burger or hot dog and a few chips on their plate waiting for me to get there so they should eat.

I had a hot dog with ketchup and some barbecue lays with a little beans and a little potato salad. After we were all done eating Niall, Zayn, and Louis all went inside for a nap. While Harry, Liam, and I sat in the Jacuzzi for a little bit. Half an hour later I got out of the Jacuzzi and decided to lay out and tan and read a magazine until its time for our plans tonight. Today is going pretty well. I guess it’s kind of nice to have guys that already know each other so they don’t fight. But the worst part is when it gets to the bottom two and they both love me and heir can only be one winner. Will the band split up? Will it be my entire fault? Oh god this sucks!


Authors Note: Chapter 3 was fun to write! I wish I could really sit on Niall's shoulders and play chicken. Or hold up one of the boys on my shoulders! You know when I write these things I get really excited because I feel like I actually know the boys and Im actually spending time with them. Then when im done and I post it I realize it was all just a dream and they will never know me. :( Sad day I bet that's what many fanfic writers feel like!!!

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