Date: Harry

373 6 2

Chapter: 13

(A/N: Sorry if the Date chapters are shorter than usual I will try to make them long!!)

*Knock Knock*

Groaning I roll out of bed and open up my door. All of a sudden I see Harry dancing. Once he realizes I opened the door he stops in place and blushes.

"Good morning Harry," I giggle.

"Morning, whats the plan for today and what time are we leaving?"

"Hmm, were going to go bowling and how about we leave around One-Thirty since its like lunch time now!"

"Sounds good. See you downstairs."

Slowly closing my door, watching Harry descend down the stairs I start giggling again because he starts dancing again. What should I wear....

Well since it's breast cancer awareness month I will wear my pink shirt, pall ripped jeans and slippers (So I can easily change into my bowling shoes)


(In the backseat of the limo)

"So, are you a good bowler?" Harry starts up a conversation.

"Ehh, I have my moments! I'm beast when it comes to the bumpers on the side being up though." I wink at him with a grin.

After five minutes of us telling cheesy bowling jokes to each other I hear the faint voice of the driver say we were there. Getting out of the limo Harry waited by the door while I talked to the driver.

"Thanks for driving us."

"No, problem. Here's your money for the day."

"Thanks, see you in two hours or so?" I reply retrieving the money from his hands.

"Sure. And if its longer you have my number so text or call of plans change."

"Ok, Bye."  Waving goodbye I reunite with Harry.

We walked inside to the loud room where all the lanes were and went up to buy or lane and shoes.

"Hi, can we get two games and two pairs of shoes." Handing the man the money I try to remember my shoe size because I haven't been bowling in a while.

"Here's your change, what size shoes to you need?"

"Umm, I need a size Eight." Looking at harry to give his shoe size when I'm done saying mine.

"Oh, I need a Nine please."

"Aww look at you using your manners." I say Smiling at Harry when the man looks for the sizes.

"I try." Harry replies pushing out his stomach to act like he's the boss.

Harry grabs our shoes and we walk over to the last lane. We start out by putting our shoes on, entering our names in the computer, then finding the right size ball. I already know what size I need so Harry leaves to find his while I enter my name.

But thinking, I thought it would be funny to make up a name for him. I put in LOSER for his name and HOTTIE for mine. With out him noticing I get up to get my size Nine ball.

"Hey, you said I was first up.... aren't I HOTTIE and your LOSER?" he jokingly says.

"You wish, now take your turn loser!" We both laugh.

He steps up to bowl first, as he swings back then forward I see it roll straight down the middle.STRIKE

"Holy crap that was a good first ball." I say with a smile on my face.

"Its wasn't good it was great!" He corrects me and high-fives me as he walks back to the chairs and I walk up to the lane for my first ball.

Focusing hard, and aligning the ball I swing back then forward and next thing I know *CRASH* I had thrown the ball so hard I had fallen to the ground. Harry comes running up next to me.

"Oh my gosh you got a strike!!"

"I what?" still laying on the ground.

"Even though you fell you knocked all the pins down."

"Wow that's so funny." I say grabbing Harry's hand as he gestures to help me up.

It was the 9th frame and the score was tied. Harry walking up to take his last turn hes fully concentrated because if you got a strike you get to keep going. Swinging his arm back I sneak up behind him  and grab the ball from his hand.

"Mwahahaha, I got the ball!" I say smiling and prancing around.

"You little..." Harry says smiling. He comes closer to me and picks me up swinging me around were both laughing. All of a sudden...

"Hey you two at the last lane, put the girl down, get your stuff then get out. This is inappropriate behavior."

Harry sets me down and we stop smiling. Putting away the ball's and putting on our shoe's we left.

"Well now what?" Harry said standing outside the front of the building.

"Umm... I'm a little hungry. What about you?" I say holding my stomach.

"Ya I am to. Where do you want to go?" Harry gestures towards me.

"Do you like tacos?" I ask Harry hesitant that he might say no.

"Yes. That's my favorite food in the whole entire universe." Harry shouts.

"Taco bell than?" I say slowly walking away hoping he would follow.

"Sure," he replies smiling at me and takes off running.

"Oh so you want to race there. Your on." I start running to Taco bell.


Its turned out to be a tie, but when we got there we were both panting and dieing. We agreed to never ever do that again be cause we were both looked like we were dying.

"Ok now that were her you know what we should do? Harry asks.

"What should we do?" I say still dying.

"Let's walk and order through the drive through!" He says like a child on Christmas morning.

"Sweet lets do it!" I said excitedly.

We walked up to the drive through laughing and we order. A few people honked at us one was some teen's laughing and another was a pissed off adult. Oh well. When we got up to the window to pay the lady working laughed at us. The man that handed us our food on the other hand wasn't so nice.


Overall we ended the day on a good note. We got kicked out of bowling, then walked through the drive threw. It was so fun. When we arrived back at the house we shared our experience with the other boys. They were very amused at the way we told the story because we acted it out. Pretty great day.


Authors Note: I sincerely apologize for not updating in like forever I know how much a lot of you love my story. But I'm doing the writing month of November thing where you have to write 50,000 words in one month so around 2,000 words a day. So I'm going to post this on there because you have a chance of getting your book published. So I should be updating this often this month. If you are doing the writing month of November also you should add me as a buddy! My name is @MelissaG123

Love you all! Stay beautiful my lovelies! AHHH 19 MORE DAYS TILL #TAKE ME HOME COMES OUT!!!


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