Third Rose Ceremony

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Chapter 19: Third rose ceremony

As soon as I got home from shopping I hopped in the shower to clean up for the rose ceremony. I didn't take a long one because I didn't have as much time to get ready for this one as I usually do since shopping took a little longer than expected. When I got out there was an envelope laying on my pillow. I wonder what is? It read...

Dear Amethyst,

We know is very late notice but there is a plan change. At tonight's rose ceremony you will not only be sending home one guy you will sending home two. We know this is going to take a little extra thought so we have postponed the ceremony by two hours. Please take your time is getting ready and deciding which two you will be sending home. Sorry for the inconvenience.

From, The Producers

After I read the letter I burst into tears and fell to the ground. How could I get rid of two, it was so hard yesterday deciding one. They all mean so much and what if I'm undecided. I don't like this idea what if I needed one more week with two of them to really know. Although I do not condone this I think I know what I'm going to do.

I grab a tissue and clear the tears from my eyes. Then make my way to the dresser realizing I'm still in only a towel. I just put on my bra and underwear on for no and did my makeup. I didn't put a ton on because I knew I was going to be crying tonight. I popped in Elle Goulding while I finished getting ready I had about thirty minutes till I met with the host so he could tell me how the ceremony was going to run tonight.

I slide on my new blue dress. I found some white gold heels in my closet and some bracelets. There were some black pointy earrings. For my hair I decided let be natural but take the sides and braid them to look like a headband. I had a little extra time on my hands so I painted my nails shiny gold then added some sparkles. To top it off I put Taylor Swift red lipstick on I was ready to meet with the host.

*~~~~*~~~~* Thirty minutes later *~~~~*~~~~*

"Hello Amethyst come join me on the couch please so we can talk about tonight." The host says to me gesturing the couch. I walk over and take a seat a little pissed off I still don't like the thought of two people.

"So how is this all supposed to play out?" I ask after getting comfortable.

"Ok so you will bring in each boy separately they will be a random order and you will say your goodbyes The one you say yes to we will give you more preparing to provide something special."

"How long will I have to say good bye to them and are they leaving right away?" I ask a few questions.

"You will only have a few minutes to say your goodbyes. Yes all of them have been told to pack their bags before the ceremony. The one you give the rose to will stay. Anymore questions before we move on?" he explains. It kind of tugs my heart a little hearing they have to leave immediately but then thinking of spending the night with the one I choose makes me happier that this is how things ended up.

"No that's it for now. What's next?" I ask in a better mood.

"How would you like the scenery to be and the decorations. We can do anything you want." The host said with a smile.

"Well I think we should keep it traditional so purple, white, and yellow flowers on the gazebo in the park. That is where I would actually like to have tonight's ceremony if that is alright." I say getting really excited.

"That is fine. The producers are on it. They say it will be ready soon they just have to clean the gazebo and they have people getting flowers and a band right now." The host says repeating what he is hearing in his ear piece.

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