Boy Bands

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Where the fuck are the body guards?

And why is it that the OC is mysteriously related to one of the members in one direction?!

WTF screw that! Where the fuck is the OC's parents through out the whole book?! They show up once and disappear forever!

And if it is not that in every book the OC's parents are traveling 24/7 and never calls their child, their only child to see if they are okay!?

And is it just me or have you notice that in almost every book the OC is the only child and the parents don't give a shit about their child?

Where do you get your money!? Never once have I read "no Harry I have to go to work! I can't go on the world tour with you!"

Who the fuck said you an go on the tour anyways?

The manager? Please don't make me laugh!

The body guard? He's nonexistent smart one!

The rest of the band? Bitch who said they even like you?

If I was in a popular band and one of the band members brought this dude/chick and claimed to be "madly in love" with him/her... I would say "No, that bitch needs to finish school and get a job cause we aren't wasting our money on an uneducated dude/chick!"

And in some books the OC doesn't even like the band but they have a hardcore fangirl friend who's always wearing Five seconds of summer shirts, black skinny ass jeans, one direction shoes, and (whatever else is hot) slap on bracelets!

But one day the hardcore fangirl gets tickets and backstage passes for herself and the OC who doesn't even like the band!

Hold up! Hold up!

The best part is when the OC meets Luke Jennings {that's his name right?} and fucks him on the spot.


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