The Middle: Fight Fire With Fire

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-before I start this chapter, I wanna apologize to all of y'all that encouraged me to continue with this book regardless of the negative things that were being said. Thank you guys so much for your kind words of encouragement. I guess the pressure of making you guys happy got to me too and I honestly was so close to giving up on this book because it wasn't going anywhere to me. So, I went back to where it all started for me .. And just know, I'm definitely not stopping. I love y'all. -Ri❤️
Jason grabbed the rest of his belongings from his mother's Audi and turned around one last time to watch them drive off without even saying goodbye. He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards his new home for a couple of months. "Jason, the king has instructed me to take your belongings to the west side? It's only a couple of minutes through the garden. We can walk or.." I said with a smile, trying to brighten the situation. He just shrugged. "Whatever you want."

"Okay, well we can walk I guess. It's not that far." I started walking with him following shortly behind me. He didn't say much because he was probably in deep thought. I grabbed one of the bags that he was carrying under his arm, knocking him out of his train of though. "Oh, I can take that." He said. I continued to walk ahead of him with the bag in my hand. "Nope, you already have a suitcase and like three bags to take through here. Just let me take this one. Besides, it's my job."

Jason chuckled. "It's not your job to take care of me. You must have me confused with Justinan." I sighed. "What is it with you two anyways? You're like fire and ice. Oil and water-" He cut me off. "You mean oil and vinegar?" "Nope, pretty sure I meant oil and water." We both laughed lightly and continued to walk through the garden. "Justinan is spoiled. He always has been and always will be because he's the king. He never not gets what he wants."

I let my mouth fall in an 'oh' shape and he walked ahead of me. "How would you feel about someone that has always had things handed to them on a gold platter when you've watched your own family struggle for more than 15 years? They watched us go from having everything to having nothing and still didn't help us out not one time. He's my cousin and I love him for that, but when he gets all King Justin on me, that's when I lose respect."


Jason flashed me a smug grin and opened the palace doors. "There's a lot about Justinan you don't know, little girl. It's like playing fire with fire." He grasped his bag that was in my hand and walked up the long stairway to his room. "You'll thank me later, babe!"

Babe? I didn't have time to think about what he said because when I turned around, there stood Justinan with his arms crossed yet again and his signature straight face. "Are you finished with what I told you to do?" He asked and tilted his head towards the staircase that Jason had previously went up. "Yes, I'm done. I'm pretty sure he could've handled taking his belongings up here on his own though. He seems pretty capable of-"

"I know what he's capable of, Sha-Nell. I don't need you to tell me about my cousin. I've been around him my whole life." I shut my mouth then. Note taken. Justinan hates talking about Jason with me.

"Anyways-" He started but was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Pardon." He pulled it out of his suit pocket and pressed it to his ear. "Oui?" I watched closely as he carried on a conversation with the person. Every so often he would look up at me with a smile.

"Well, that's done." Jason's voice boomed down the staircase before I actually saw him. Seconds later, he came sliding down the staircase, earning a glare from Justinan. "Oh, my bad." He held his hands up in defense and smirked at his cousin. Justinan finished his phone conversation and looked at the both of us. "Have you quite finished talking to Sha-Nell? I have stuff for her to do."

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