Chapter 1 - Poppy

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"Strangers are exciting, their mystery never end. But, there's nothing like looking at your own history in the faces of your friends" - Ani DiFranco


 It had been another lonely day in Wandering Mind Bookstore. I sat at the till, flicking through Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities. The musky, soft smell of aging paper wafted from the piles of books that sat on shelves and stood in towers. The silence that I had been taking refuge in was quickly broken by Kent, my employer

"Poppy!"He shouted, his mess of grey hair bobbing above the stacks of books as he walked towards me.

"Yes?"I answered, standing from the stool I had previously perched on. 

"Oh there you are"Kent said, giving me a small smile,"Its been a slow day so why don't you head home?"

Nodding, I placed a bookmark between my current page and pulled my bag from under the table. I opened my black umbrella and walked out into the rain. It wasn't unusual for it to rain in London, but a dounpour like this hadn't been seen in a while. 

My navy wellies sloshed thought the puddles that accumulated on the sidewalk, as I walked past a lively pub. Inside, men sang drunken slurs, their tankards full and their minds blank. Despite my distain of alcohol, I walked inside. Looking past the various groups of drunks, my eyes landed on Tessa, the girl who had been by my side since my youngest school years. 

Tessa stood behind the bar, passing drinks and taking tip as she ran back and forth.

"Tessa!"I shouted over the loud baritone voices,"Lets go!"I pushed past a curly haired boy to reach my best mate. Tessa hopped over the bar and gave me a smile,"Sheesh, alright"

As we left, I felt a hand on my waist, pulling me backwards, back towards the bar. The boy I had pushed past, with the curly hair, was seductively puling me back towards him.

"Hey there"He said, his green eyes peering down at me, the stench of alcohol on his breath assaulting my senses.

"Hi"I responded, looking back at Tessa with a desperate glance. The stranger tugged at my chin, pulling me back to him

"Whats your name, love?"He queried, one hand going to my waist. His green eyes, despite being dulled by the drink he had succumbed to, were still dazzling. The color, a deep green near the outside of his iris, lightened to a bright yellow by the pupil. 

"P-Poppy"I studdered, feeling another hand slide into my own, this one smaller and more delicate.

Tessa's hand rang clear and loud, directed to the boy with a strong hold on me,"We're in a rush"Tessa lied,"I'm gonna have to ask you to let go of her"She said, unhooking his fingers from my waist.

Complying only because of Tessa's authorative tone, he willingly released me. Wiggling his fingers in my direction, he smiled, revealing his perfect set of teeth. The lovely smile sent chills up my spine, pleasant, but at the same time, frightening.

"See you later, darling"He mumbled lowly, his voice heard despite the roar of nearby crowds. 

Minutes later, we arrived at my flat, Tessa staying for the night. My hair still stood on end from the odd encounter, as I reached for my Iphone, meaning to message our other friend, Avery. We had planned on having a girls night in, filled with Nicholas Sparks movies and cookie dough, but as my hand entered the back pocket of my jeans, I found it empty. 

"My mobile is missing"I said, looking up at Tessa, who shrugged

"Did you leave it in the bookstore?"She questioned, checking the raincoat that I had just given her to hang up. 

"No, I put it in my pocket right after I left. I'm sure I had it because I tried to text you, but since you didn't answer, I went to pick you up"

Tessa nodded, running a hand through her shocking red hair,"Do you think that...he took it?"She asked, her eyes filling with the relization that it was entirely possible for him to have taken my phone. 

Without another word, I pulled my wellies back on, I flung the door open and ran back to the pub, Tessa hot on my trail. As I entered the pub, pushing past various stumbling bodies, I searched the bar. Walking around the circular table, I carefully examined each face, groaning in fustration as I realized that he wasn't there. Tom, a close friend of Tessa's and a fellow bartender, called me over

"Poppy!"He shouted, waving me over,"I have something for you"

Relief flooded my body as I walked over to him, knowing that he had my phone, which I must have left on the bartop. My relief quickly turned to worry, as he pulled out a piece of paper, instead of my mobile. 

"A man left this for you. He said to give it to you whenever I saw you next"Tom said, handing me the sliver of paper. Opening it hastily, I quickly read what was written, in sloppy handwriting, on the paper.

'You dropped your phone when you were leaving. I have it, no need to fret' said the letter,'call your phone so I can give it back to you. I didn't trust the barman, so I have him this note instead, Harry'

My phone, with my bank passwords, memorable pictures, and every contact I have ever had, was in the hands of a stranger. 

Save Me (In Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt