Chapter 16 - Poppy

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"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you" - Elbert Hubbard


The next morning, I was awoken to Tessa's feet in my face, and Avery draped over my side. I love them both, but they needed to shower. Carefully lifting them out of the way, I walked to the bathroom and cringed at the sight of my face. Nor only did I have ice cream in my hair, but it seemed as though Avery and Tessa found it funny to draw all over my face. 

Groaning in fustration, I stepped into the shower and carefully cleaned every bit of the mess off my body. Emerging from the steaming bathroom, Tessa and Avery were still asleep, giving me time to seek my revenge. Slowly, and with a light hand, I used sharpie to draw a unibrow and mustache on Tessa, then an eyepatch on Avery. Impressed with my work, I quickly pulled on some leggings and a grey v-neck, then headed out to get some coffee.

As I set the coffee and bagels on the kitchen counter, a two shrill screams rang out from my room. Quickly, I busied myself so I didn't have to look at them when they entered

"Poppy, I'm going to fuck you up, twat!"Shouted Tessa as she stormed into the kitchen, crossing her arms and shotting my a glare. 

Slowly, Avery entered the kitchen, a look of pure rage on her face,"You fucking cunt"She shouted, lunging for me,"You bastard, I can't get this shit off my face!"

Luckily, Avery had zero strength whatsoever, so she was easy to hold off. Unable to misdirect my gave for any longer, I looked at the pair of them

"Shit, you guys look like bloody psychopaths"I said, unscessfully attempting to hold in my laughter

They rolled their eyes simultaneously as I whipped my phone out and took a quick picture. 

"No!"They shouted, makng a wild grab at my phone

"How about this"I said, climbing onto the kitchen counter and out of their reach,"I'll help you get it off if you let me keep it"I bargained, sliding my mobile into my backpocket

With a sign of unhappiness, they both grudgingly consented and I grabbed the acetone. 

Sitting at the table, we quickly devoured the bagels, the sharpie long gone from our faces

"So what are you going to do about Harry?"Tessa asked, making me frown,"You have to do something"

Avery nodded in assent,"She's right, Pops. You can't just leave him"She said, squeezing my hand lightly

Why did I have to do something? I told him that I didn't like him like that, which may or may not have been a joke, I wasn't sure yet. Wasn't that enough? Normally, a problem would bug me and vie for my attention until I gave in and did it. Though with this one, I had hoped that if I left it alone, it would eventually simmer down

"I don't know, I don't want to think about it"I responded, rubbing my forehead, feeling the oncoming headache

"You can't push it away. I've tried it and its a mistake"Avery said, running a hand through her blonde curls,"I'm serious, you have to talk to him sometime"

"Not right now. I said I don't want to talk about it"I said, a slight edge to my voice

Sensing the oncoming danger, they both backed off. Yet, it nagged me. They were right, I would have to talk to him sometime. I just hoped that sometime wasn't anytime soon 

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