Chapter 15 - Poppy

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“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” - Helen Keller                                                          


For moments, our lips were connected with fiery passion, and then nothing. Pulling away, I shook my head, the taste of alcohol on my lips

"No"I mumbled, pushing myself away,"Is not me, Harry"I added, desprately trying not to look him in the eye

A heavy sigh emerged from Harry's lips, leadened with resign and surrender

"I stepped out of my boundaries"Harry mumbled, tossing a note on the bar and walking out, leaving me witht the stench of alcohol and an angry bardender

"I can't believe he did that to you!"Avery shouted, once they were in the safety of my room,"Kissed you and then left you do deal with the aftermath. Douchey move"

Tessa sat back, watching Avery blow her top, being the more thoughtful friend. I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to talk about it, and I certaintly didnt want to talk to him. 

"Aves, it sounds like Poppy rejected him pretty hard"Tessa reasoned, trying to reign Avery in,"I would have done the same thing, and so would you"She said, giving Avery a harsh look

Rolling her eyes, Avery fell back onto the bed, next to Tessa. I sat on the foot of the bed, facing them with a look of distress on my face

"I just really don't want to talk about it"I pleaded, hitting them both with puppy dog eyes. Both gave me suspicious glances, trying not to give in to my grey eyes. 

"Fuck it, fine"Tessa said, getting up,"I'll be back in a second"She announced, grabbing her bag and walking out of the apartment. 

Avery shrugged,"Just being, Tess"She said, her confident facade vanishing,"I think Felix is cheating on me"

Taken slightly aback, I thought about it. Though Felix had been relatively distant lately, but that was because Avery had been very buisy with work, and I only even saw Felix when he was with Avery. However, it wouldn't have struck me as odd if he was. Felix was incredibly handsome, and knew it as well. Despite have an ever-faithful Avery by his side, he did not cease to flirt with others. 

"Listen, Aves, calm down"I advised, brushing the small tears off her cheek,"Lets not get carried away. If he is a cheater, then he is a wanker who doesn't deserve you. If he isn't, then you have nothing to worry about...I'll keep an eye on him, and you'll do well do to the same. If there is anything suspicious, we can just talk to him about it"

There were two things that Avery had no shortage of, sass, and courage. Avery was always the first to crack a witty insult, or to tell someone she didn't like, what was on her mind. However, in this instance, I could see how neither would come in handy. She didn't want to seem desprate, because nobody liked that. Though at the same time, she didn't want to act like she didnt care, because indifference was the number one cause of break ups

With a small nod, she gave me a quick hug before going to the bathroom to wash her face. With a loud slam of the door, and the sqeak of rainboots against hardwood, Tessa announced her entry

"I'm back motherfuckers!"She shouted, her tone jovial,"Look what Aunty Tess had brought"She said, dropping two large shopping bags full of junk food on my bed

"Shit, Tess, you've gone all out haven't you?"I asked, shifting through the Curly Wurlys and the Lion Bars to reach the Crunchies. 

Avery ran out, almost smelling the chocolate that was yet to be unwrapped and dove into the drove of calories

"Break out Pinapple Express and Superbad, lets get it on!"Tessa shouted, trying to be excitable for my sake. 

Jesus, I thought, they sure knew how to cheer me up. The rest of the night, we ate all the candy, and watched subpar movies until we fell asleep. 

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