Chapter 6 - Poppy

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"Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky


My legs had began to ache halfway on the walk home from the station. My flat wasn't near any, so I had quite a way to walk. Passing Wandering Minds, I waved to Kent who was working inside, getting a pleasant smile in return. 

Slowly, I opened the door, hearing the whispering voices of Tessa and Avery.

"Do you think she's okay?"Spoke Tessa

"I'm sure she's fine, Tess, there's nothing to worry about"Avery reassured her friend, the nervous shuffle being heard from my spot at the bottom of the stairwell

"You didn't see him last night. He was grabbing her and if I hadn't interviened..."Tessa paused,"I don't think he would have let her go"

I decided to interrupt their little worry fest by slamming the door,"Tess?"I called,"Avery?"

They rushed down the staired, sounding more like a pack of elephants than two small girls.

"Oh, Poppy"Tessa said, throwing her arms around my neck,"I was so worried"

Avery chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze,"See, Tessa? I told you she'd be fine"She said,"Your fine, right Popps?"She asked, looking down at me. 

I could see the anxiety in her eyes, but Avery had always been better at concealing her feelings that Tessa and me. 

"Yeah, I'm perfectly okay"I responded, giving them a confident smile, despite the inner termoil that raged in my head

Upon arriving upstairs, I was bombarded by questions by both girls. I answered with simple yes or nos that seemed to satisfiy their curiosity, thought some details I kept to myself, like the fact that he had dragged me half way through London. 

I ate lunch in silence, thinking amidst the chatter from Tessa and Avery. My mind stewing over all the reasons why Harry would take such an interest in me. We had only just met, for Christ's sake, and now he was chasing me over bridges and onto trains like I had broken up with him and now he was trying to get me back. Though his head of dark curls and piercing green eyes seemed familiar, I was unable to recollect how I remembered him. 

He had never came into the bookstore, because we keep every purchase on record and I was sure that there wasn't an H. Styles in any of the books. He wasn't one of Tessa's friends from the bar because she had first met him the other day in the bar. Avery didn't know him because if she had, she probably would have told us all about him already. Where was he from, how does he know me, and why had he taked such a sudden interest?

 Then as if someone turned a switch in my brain on, I realized where I knew him. He was the boy who helped me with my books, on my way to Paris. The only reason I remember that trip was because of my breif relationship with another man who helped me with my books, on the same day. Harry had been so sweet, shy even. What had turned him so...wrong? I even recall him blushing, a act that now seemed foreign on a person like Harry. While I didn't know much about him, and now still barely anything, I had to know what happened. What turned a seemingly normal boy, into the person he is today 

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