Chapter 4 - Poppy

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"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes"  - Marcel Proust


Harry and I silently strolled along Tower Bridge, having taken multiple underground rides to get there. My knowledge of why we were here was exactly zero, as Harry stopped in almost the dead center of the large bridge. 

"Why are we here?"I asked, narrowing my eyes. The thick layer of fog surrounded the underlying areas, making it hard for me to look anywhere else but him, there was nothing to look at. 

"Because I wanted to come here"Harry reasoned

"So we are here because of your silly whim?"I asked, crossing my arms and turning to him. 

Harry nodded in response, a mischevious smirk plastered to his face. If he wasn't so goddamn creepy, I might have found him handsome. Taking a large step towards me, he entered my personal space, his body merely inches from his own. His green eyes peering thoughtfully down at me as we stood in silence, each taking the other in. 

As he took a step closer, I stepped back, not wanting him any closer than he already was. A soft tutting emerged from his slightly parted lips

"Don't be like that. You may never get your mobile back"He mumbled, his eyes half closed as he looked at me. 

My heartbeat raced as his deep, gravelly voice spoke, sending me into a tizzy. I stood, motionless, as he got closer, his chest brushing mine.

"Are you gonna do as I say?"He asked, one hand sliding down to my waist. His bottom lip caught between his teeth as his free hand brushed against my cheek. What was I doing? I was not a mindless halfwit who listened to every command of this unsettling boy. 

Quickly a plan was put into action, stepping closer, feigning interest, I slid my hand under his jacket, where he kept my phone. The smallest of noises emitted from him mouth, inclining that I was doing somthing. Carefully sliding my hand into the inside pocket of his jacket, my fingers closed around my phone, securing it safetly in my grasp. Harry leaned down, his lips meeting my for a fraction before I tore the mobile from his pocket, in the process releasing myself from his grasp. 

I stood for a moment, surprised that I had managed to get away from him, before turning in the other direction and running towards the end of the bridge. A underground sign was a block away, and deeming the headstart, the odds of making it to a train were in my favor. A quick glance over my shoulder revealed that Harry was only steps behind me. I hadn't enticipated him being such a fast runner. My only hope was to loose him in the mid-morning commuters. 

As I neared the enterance, I noticed that a side door, meant for underground personnel only, was open.  Darting inside, I slammed the door behind me, managing to turn the lock before Harry had a grip on the doorknob.

"Poppy, open it"He commanded, taking me aback. How did he think that he had the authority to tell me what to do

"No!"I shouted back, peering through the tiny window in the door. Though Harry's image was distorted, it was clearly him, and there was no way he was getting in. 

Making sure the door was locked, I ran towards the noise of running subway cars. Opening a door, I found myself in one of the sidepassages that led to the platforms. Quickly making my way through the streams of people, I was stopped by a pay toll. Grabbing my card from my wallet, I quickly shoved it through the slot, waiting for it to be approved. However, a beeping noise went off and told me to swipe again. I swiped numerous times, before the machine took the card all together. 

Looking nervously over my shoulder, I went to the ticket booth, pushing past people in line and hastily buying two rides. As I slid my ticket through the reader, I heard a familiar name

"Poppy!"Harry's gruff voice called, seemingly only steps away from me. As I turned my head, our eyes met and he quickened his pace. I sprinted to the nearest train, not bothering to see where it was going, only wanting to get away. Harry shoved people out of the way, trying to get to the train as soon as possible. 

As the doors began to close, I felt a sigh of relief, my tense body relaxing. Harry still ran towards me, relentless. The doors slammed shut and the locks clicked into place just as Harry reached the door. He placed his palm against the glass of the door, a look of amusement in his eyes. Had this been fun for him? Making a public scene and chasing me half way down Tower Bridge. 

The train started to move slowly, and Harry's lips turned up in a smile. I shivered with discomfort, taking a seat as the train gained speed, quickly taking me away from my pursuer 

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