Chapter 13 - Poppy

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"Time it was, and what a time it was, it was 

A time of innocence, a time of confidences 

Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph 

Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you" - Simon and Garfunkel "Bookends"


Harry left in a hurry, leaving the rest of the table in shock, and a pain in my stomach. He'd seen my arms, it was clear. Before leaving the restaurant, his deep green eyes had drifted to my arms, which I had just examined in the bathroom moments before. The look of loss in his eyes, of despair, made my heart ache for him. Not in the sexual way which most people my age ached, but in the protective way. I had caused him anguish and in that moment he had looked so vulnerable, so utterly helpless I wanted to sheild him and make him forget. 

It was true, he had harmed me, but it was no worse than a road rash you got from falling off your bike. True, it was tender, and still fresh, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the previous night. 

The questioning looks ricocheted around the room, most falling on me, who was still standing in the middle of the establishment, my body too consumed with guilt to move. 

"What just happ-"Avery began, being cut off by my raised hand

"I need to go get him"I said, shoving past Felix who made a move to stop me

"Poppy, he's a big boy. This day is about Avery, not him"Felix said, not sounding unlike my father,"You need to stay and celebrate with her"He added, his grip tight on my wrist

"He gets reckless when he's upset, I couldn't bear it if he hurt himself"I said, trying to wrench my wrist from his meaty hand

"Poppy"He said, his voice full of warning

"Felix, let her go"Avery spoke from behind me,"She needs to help him"She reasoned, placing a her thin fingers on his hand, which enclosed mine,"I understand"

With a look of gratitude, I turned to Avery, expecting to see understanding in her hazel eyes. While there was a speck of understanding, there was disappointment and sadness. She had worked her arse off for this job, and I couldn't be there for her. 

Slowly, Felix released me, and with a quick kiss and hug with Avery, I dashed out. Following the trail of destruction that accompanied Harry's fit, I arrived at a small pub. Peering through the window, I spotted Harry's tall, lithe physique, sitting on a stool by the bar, a large glass gripped between white knuckles. Entering fearfully, full knowing how brash Harry was once intoxicated, I took a seat next to him

"Harry?"I asked, pushing the hair that had flopped down to cover his eyes, away from his face. 

I recieved no response, only a blank stare at the knot in the wood of the bar. The only indication that he had recognized my appearence was a tighter grip on the glass. My brow furrowed, a sign of my distress as I gripped his hand tightly, slowly uncoiling his fingers from the mug filled with amber liquid. 

"Its okay, I'm okay"I mumbled, lacing his fingers with mine

What had happened to me? An hour I was laughing with him in my apartment, thirty minutes ago I was trying to hide from him, and now? Now I was comforting him, holding his hand even. I was not a very affectionate person, but he made me into one. 

"Its not fucking okay, Poppy!"He shouted, slamming the glass against the bar, shattering the mug,"Those cuts on your arms aren't okay! I did that to you"He shouted, making me flinch with each word,"I'm bad, my name spells trouble. You have to stay away"He said, ignoring the small trickles of blood that careened down his hand.

Grabbing a dishcloth, from the bar, I began to clean his hand. Silently, I listened to him vent, trying to stop the steady flow of bright red blood. Once he had finished, I saw soon to emerge tears brimming his eyes. Harry didn't cry. He was many things, seducing, sarcastic, cynical, but never a crier. For the short time I had known him, he had very rarely shown real emotion. What he was displaying now, was raw emotion, unfiltered. 

"I'm fine. Listen, Harry. You were so drunk and distraught, I'm surprised you could walk"I said, my hand gently brushing against his cheek,"I don't blame you for any of it. Well, I don't blame the sober you"I said, lifting his chin so he had to meet my eyes,"Don't beat yourself up, please, don't"I pleaded

His green, viridescent eyes, searched mine. Looking for any flaw in my defense, trying to find any doubts within my. I realized that I didn't have any. Despite his questionable life choices and tendency to blow his fuse, I trusted him. 

I trusted the boy with the unruly curls, with eyes the color of emeralds, with lips that were almost always holding a cheeky smirk. The boy who stole my mobile so I could see him again

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