Chapter 17 - Harry

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“Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.” - J.M Barrie


I walked away from Poppy, from the girl I had pined over for years, and felt nothing but complete emptiness. I had kissed her, put all my emotions into it, and for a while she had kissed back. Yet, she still told me that she wasn't for me. What the hell did that mean? Poppy had to speak in labryinths that I had no map for. 

Stopping in front of Wandering Minds, I checked my watch and noticed that I had been walking for almost the entire night. It all came back to her. My emotions which were a tangled up web that not even the most skilled fingers could ever hope to unwind, started with meeting her. My hot and cold actions were because she had put me through so much. My trapising along the backroads of London came back to Wandering Minds. 

I considered giving up, going back to the states and hope that things would get better. I could find a pretty girl who only cared for my looks. Maybe then I wouldn't be so unhappy. However, I had given up so much. After the accident, I had given up on life. 

Storming towards her house, I decided that I would not give up on her. I would not let her go and live my life as a 'what if'. Knocking on her door, I waited for a response....nothing. I slammed my fist into the white door as hard as I could

"Poppy, get the fuck out here!"I shouted, finally hearing a pair of footsteps. 

She opened the door, all legs and eyes. Poppy's lip quivering in fear

"What is it Harry?"She asked, leaning against the doorway

Every inch of me, even the unspeakable bits, wanted to slam her against the wall and kiss her roughly. To feel her soft pink lips against mine. To smell her perfume which always drove me into a tizzy. To run my hands through her silky black hair. It took ever ounce of self-control, which I had little of to begin with, not to do it. 

"I don't care what you think. I want you. We're perfect, and you know it. Stop pushing me away"I said, brushing my hair out of my eyes,"You have to stop all this. I don't know if your playing hard to get, but I don't find it funny. You drive me mad all I think about is..."I trailed off, watching Tessa and Avery walk down the stairs

"What was that, Lover Boy?"Avery asked, crossing her arms as she stood beside Poppy, Tessa beside her. 

"I don't think..."

"No, anything you can say to her, you can say to us"Tessa interrupted, narrowing her eyes in distrust

"Poppy please"I pleaded

"They're right"Poppy replied, reflecting Avery with her crossed arms

"Fine,"I said, sighing,"I want you in every way. I was you against the wall, I want you on the kitchen countertop. I want you on top of books. I want to wake up with you after all that is done"I said, feeling the heat in my cheeks,"Fuck it, if your friends don't like me, I don't care. I only care if you like me"I said, finishing the speech I had perfected on my way there

Poppy's eyes widened with every word I spoke, her friend's mouths dropping almost in unison. I wasn't one for sharing feelings, everyone knew that. The fact that I had released my inner thoughts to three girls, throwing caution to the wind, was a miracle all in itself

"Fine..."Poppy mumbled

"Fine what?"I asked, bile rising to my throat at the thought of being without her

"Fine, you can have me"


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I hope you enjoyed 

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