Chapter 7 - Poppy

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"Invisible threads are the strongest ties" - Friedrich Nietzsche 


I woke up at 5 am, leaving Tessa and Avery asleep on the pull out bed, as I made for work. Today, was one of my busiest days yet. First, I had the early morning shift at Wandering Minds, then I had to pick up a couple more shipments of books and stock them, then do inventory.

As I unlocked the door, and dropped my bag under the till, I noticed the backlight was on. Pushing through the dark green door that led to Kent's office, I noticed that he had fallen asleep, book in hand, reading glasses still perched upon his thin nose. Pulling the gingham blanket over his shoulders, I slid his readers off and switched the light off. 

Walking back to the store, I moved some of the books that were placed out of alphabetical order my a lazy customer. Reaching under the desk, I pulled out the address for the book order. Sliding into Kent's smart car, I set off, almost knowing the way by heart. Kent often sent me to pick up book orders, since he usually got sidetracked and missed the pickup. 

After picking up three hundred copies of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, and loading them into the small boot, I drove back to Wandering Minds. I pulled up to the curb and opened the trunk, I noticed that the twine, which held the books in a tight bundle, had come undon whilst I drove. With a sigh of fustration, I resigned to carrying the books in ten at a time. As I carried the second load inside, the all to familiar voice rang out behind me.

"Need help?"Harry asked, making me jump, dropping several books. 

Bending down to pick up the dropped books, Harry reached forward, taking them into his large hands.

"I'll take that as a yes"Said Harry, easily picking up the rest of the books, while I struggled to keep the few I had in my arms. 

I dropped the book onto the desk near the front door, and began to place them in the S section of the store. Harry soon joined me, carefully placing the books on the shelves. Since he seemed more than capable of stocking the shelves, I moved to taking inventory. Sliding a clipboard with all the books we were currently stocked in, from Kent's desk, I walked around the store. Individually counting each book, I took note of the books we needed more of, and checking off the ones we already have. 

"Done, where have you gone?"Harry called out, the smell of his cologne overtaking the scent of the aging books as he neared my location. 

Looking over my shoulder, a little too close for comfort, he looked down at my clipboard. His breath tickling my ear, he mumbled the titles of each book, his raspy voice setting me on edge. I swallowed nervously taking a step forward, distancig us by a notable amount of space. 

Harry's lighty chuckled shouded as he pulled me back by my wast,"Don't be like that"He whispered, his lips brushing my left ear

"Like what?"I responded, turning my head slightly to the left, my breath hitching ever so slightly. 

The sound of his voice, so soft and seductive, made my fingers twitch in anxiety. He knew that he made my brain go crazy, and he was going to weild it against me. His long, thing fingers drifted from my waist up my arms, leaving goosebumbs in their wake. 

"So...difficult"He whispered, squeezing my arms gently. 

My fingers froze as he applied pressure to my skin, the clipboard crashing to the ground, the trance he had on me falling as the clipboard had done before it. I jumped, turning on my heel and taking a step away. I swallowed, visibly shaking as I picked the clipoard up. 

He smiled, flicking his curly hair out of his eyes,"Enjoy that?"He asked, as I backed away from him

He needed to leave, right now. I had things to do, and he was too much of a distraction for me to concentrate. I looked up at him, determined to make him leave, but his eyes...his eyes, with their hypnotizing green coloring, made me pause.

"Your from the airport, aren't you?"I asked,"Heathrow,  you helped me carry my books"I said, narrowing my eyes.

The look of pure surprise on his face was like none I had seen on anyone expression. It wasn't that long ago, being only two years ago. However, we had only came in contact with each other for a maximum of ten minutes, so it wouldn't be unusual if I hadn't remembered him

"I didn't think you remembere me"He mumbled, almost too low for me to hear,"You didn't at first"

Nodding, I responded,"I didn't, but something jogged my memory and it was like you had been there the entire time"

The question that had been burning in my mind the entire time, was begging to be released. What had happened to him? His attitude at the airport might have been a fluke, but the type of person Harry was now doesn't suddently turn bashful and shy. 

As we stood in silence, I felt it coming on, the word vomit. It was coming and I couldn't stop it. I tried, hard, very hard. My curiosity raged, making my mouth spew out what my mind meant to keep locked. 

"Why did you change. You were sweet to me, and...shy too. Now, your...well, this"I said, gesturing to his entirety 

Harry, looking down at himself, scoffed and shook his head,"You really want to know what happened?"He asked, his voice carefully leveled as he advanced on me, every step forward for him mean a step back for me.

With a small nod, I responded shakily,"Yes"

I noticed how his body tensed and relaxed at odd times, his hand, which were shaking, that were stuffed into his pockets

"I'll tell you then"He said, as my back hit the bookcase behind me,"I lost everything"he mumbled, one syllable at a time, his lips only inches away from mine,"Everything"He repeated, before disappearing in a flash, the bell that signaled the opening of the door the only indiaction that he had left. 

I stood, frozen in fear, my body flattened against the bookcase. Kent walked out from his study, sleepily rubbing his eyes as he looked down the isle and spotted me against the bookcase,"Goodmorning"He said cheerfully,"I trust you remembered the shipment"He said,"Ah there they are"Kent wandered over to the new books and out of my sight 

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