Chapter 11 - Poppy

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"Love is the most unexpected amnesia. It lets you forget about more than 6 billion other people in this world" - Unknown


Avery led us to her favorite restraunt, The Indian Experience, with a skip in her step that I had never seen on her before. Upon opening the door, my nose was filled with scents that raised the hairs on my arms. Cumin, clove, garlic, saffron, and cardamom were among the few that I picked out. A cool breeze blew over our heads as we waited for our table. 

She had a way of inflicting her feelings on the surrounding people. If Avery was sad, it brought everyone else down. If she was mad, we were all at our boiling point. Happy, our smiles were plastered to out faces. Her blonde ponytail swished back and forth as the hostess led us to our table, next to the kitchens so we could see everything they made. 

I sat down next to Avery, and quickly pulled Tessa to the other side before Harry could take it. I liked him, but he was still somewhat of a shadowed figure to me. It was like I could see only half of his face, the other half he kept hidden. The more emotional, soft side of him which was carefully kept under lock and key. All that was visible was one perfect green eye, half of a full pink lip, a nose which turned up slightly at the end, and the sparse freckles that adorned his face. In other words, his more showy side. The sensual, sex-crazed Harry that too many girls had only aimed to see. 

Harry gave me a worried look as the took a seat next to Felix, my attempt at being as subtle as possible while tugging Tess next to me obviously failing. Hiding my blush from the rest of the table, I buried my face in the menu, acting like I was reading every facet and cranny of the menu. Thought I already knew what I wanted, lemonade and chicken tikka masala, the same order every time. 

I ordered quickly, staying silent as the other chatted amongst themseles. Normall, I'd be in the conversation, shouting my input so Avery, who was mildly deaf, could hear me. However, Harry's presence made me unfomfortable. I was shaken out of my world of thought when Avery nudged me spoke. 

"So how did Harry end up in your flat?"She asked, raising a brow and sharing glances between Harry and me, Tessa and Felix soon following suit. 

Harry shrugged,"I don't remember much of it, so go ahead"He said, nodding towards me

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and nodded,"Fine, it was late, I was listening to a record and someone knocked"I said,"Nothing much really, Harry was just completely pissed and he demaned a shag. I said no, he cried, then undressed and fell asleep on my bed"I explained, chuckling softly at their expressions

"And your sure that is all that happened?"Harry asked, leaning forward on his elbow. 

Rolling my eyes, I nodded,"I prefer to know the guys I bang"I said, blushing as a person walking behind our table tutted with disapproval. 

We all held our laughter as our food arrived, the scents become more pungent as they were presented in front of us. Between full mouths and heavy sighs between food, the table was silent. Well, at least for a small time before the we all got full and the onslaught of questions

"Did you see his knob?"Tessa asked, making both Harry and I turn beet red.

Knowing that Harry would be curious as well, I answered,"Yep, I mean, he was laying on top of my bed, fucking naked. How could I not have?"I asked, raising a brow

Tessa gasped, looking at Harry with a smirk,"I bet your weren't even tipsy, you just wanted her to see your little wilkins"She said, nudging him jokingly. 

Felix shifted uncomfortably, obivously feeling the same way I was. In a desparate attempt to change the subject, I turned to Avery

"So when do you start the new job?"I queried, 

"In two weeks. I'm so excited"Avery bragged, almost jumping out of the chair,"My new boss seems like a little bit of a tosser, but as long as I'm First Reader, I can put up with the wanker for as long as I need to"She said, nodding in defiance. 

That was the thing about Avery, when she wanted something, she wanted it. If she didn't have it, she could't be properly happy. It messed with her mind, made her turn into a little bit of a nutter. The good part, was that she was willing to work hard to for it. 

It was the same with Tessa, though she eventually learned to let go. If she worked to the best of her ability, but didn't achieve her goal, she was okay with it. Avery, on the other hand, wasn't. 

Why we fit so perfectly, was because of me. Tessa and Avery had similar personalities, outspoken, brash, blunt. Whereas I was more the glue, I was the opposite of both of them, quiet, reserved, a little unsociable. 

Felix also fit into our equation, he was Avery's other half. When it was just Tessa, Avery, and I, we were almost always disagreeing, thought not always in a bad way. However, when Felix was added to the  equation, Avery was a little more relaxed, calm even. 

The one person who didn't fit, the odd man out, was Harry. He was sullen, wily, and overly sexual, and none of those things fit. Felix and Avery were sexual enough for Tessa and my's liking. Harry was communicative, though not enough to release some of the tension between all of us. He didn't diffuse anything and he didn't make any one of us different, maybe me. 

He just didnt fit, and I wasn't sure if I wanted him to

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