Chapter 21 - Avery

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“All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” - Mae West


I won't lie and say it wasn't hard, because it was just bleak. I kept on finding more and more of Felix's things. The basketball that was signed by his favorite player from the Boston Celtics. He loved basketball, but I never got into it. The ratty shirt he always wore to bed. The little things with the biggest memories hurt the most. After a while, I sent Tessa home, knowing that I was bringing her down. Piling all Felix's things into a black garbage bag, I pulled it outside my flat, tossing it down the stairs. 

Seeing all the thing fly out of the bag, like memories let loose, I couldn't take it. Flying down the stairs, two at a time, I reached the bottom and began to collect Felix's belongings. I let my sobs ring high and loud, not caring who heard. The tears dripped off the bridge of my nose as gathered the do-dads. A door opened behind me and a pair of black vans came into view

"Are you okay?"Asked a deep male voice

Looking up, I saw a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy, whos brow was furrowed in confusion. He must be knew to the building, since I had never seen him before. His skin was unusually tan for an Englishman, yet his accent was Irish. Nodding, I gave no response, only continued what I was doing

"Here let me help you with that"He said, kneeling down and making a grab for the bear that Felix got me on our one year anniversary. 

"Don't touch that"I said defensively, snatching it out of his grip

"Sorry, just trying to help"He mumbled, holding his hand out,"This may not be the best time for introductions, but I'm Connor"He said, showing his pearly whites

"Avery"I mumbled back, leaving his hand unshaken. 

"Can I at least carry the bag back up to your flat for you?"He asked, his brown eyes full of concern

I recognized that he was trying to be nice, and I had been shooting him down at ever opportunity. 

"Sure"I mumbled, standing up and wiping my cheeks with the heel of my palm. 

Silently, we climbed up the stairs, soon stopping at my flat. Holding the door open, I followed him inside, instructing him to set the bag by my bedroom door. 

Offering him a cup of tea, he declined and asked for coffee instead

"I've always preffered coffee"I mumbled,"I just thought most people here like tea better"

"Oh, has always been my drink of choice"He agree,"Tea is too weak"

Smiling slightly, I nodded while putting the kettle on,"Thanks for helping me..."I whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear,"It was nice of you"

Sitting on a stool, he shrugged,"I wasn't going to let you cry amonst this...junk"He confessed, his word usage making me smile

It was junk. Meaningless trash that was keeping me from the douche bag in my past. There were memories, true, but those were in my head. Since the clothes reminded me of the memories, maybe it was best to rid myself of them

"What is it anyway?"He asked, picking around in the black bag that sat on a table in front of him,"Looks like junk you found after cleaning your flat out"He mumbled, obviously thinking aloud

Clearing my throat, I placed the instant coffee grinds into two mugs,"Just some of my ex's things...nothing special"

The look of guilt was written clearly on his face,"Sorry..I-I didn't mean to insult you"

"No, not at all. I should thank you actually"I said, pouring the coffee into the mugs and gramming milk and sugar,"You calling it junk makes me feel like it is junk too"Sitting down next to him, I handed him a mug,"Milk and sugar?"

"Just sugar-if you don't mind my this why you were crying?"He asked

Passing the sugar, I sipped mine black,"Yes, he...welll, he cheated on me. I just found out, just about two hours be exact"

Conor blushed,"I'm sorry...I really didn't mean any harm"

"Conor, its fine...really, I'm fine"I said, wiping my cheeks to show him that there were no more tears

It was easy to talk to him. He listened, unlike Felix, who had nodded and hadn't added anything real to the conversation. I had only met him ten minutes ago, and already I felt like I had known him a lifetime. He wasn't my type though, not muscly enough. I didn't have to like him that way though, he seemed like he'd be a good friend. A friend...thats what I need now. Not a girly friend who'll curse and tell me that she'll kill Felix, but a guy who'll take it in and listen to what I have to say

Save Me (In Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя