Chapter 9 - Harry

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"I drank to drown my sorrows, but the damned things learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo


Waking up the next morning, I looked around, my surroundings unfamiliar. Stepping out of a bed, who's sheets weren't mine, I picked up my clothes and quickly dressed. As I struggled to put my pants on with a ear-splitting headache, I heard light footsteps behind me, and a gentle cough. Shit, she caught me sneaking out

"I wasn't sneak-Poppy?"I asked, frowning as I turned face the all to familiar, dark-haired beauty,"What am I doing here? Is this your room? Did know?"I spewed, question after question. Poppy's expression getting more and more confused

"Okay, let me see if I answer these in the right order,"She responded,"You came over here at around twelve am, demanding to sleep with me. No, and yes"She said

My mouth dropped into an o shape as I went over her answers in my head,"So we....we had sex?"I exclaimed. I knew that I had special powers when it came to women, but I thought Poppy was different, more of a challenge. 

Poppy's cheeks reddened noticable, her tea almost flying out of her mouth,"No, no, no"She said, setting the hot tea down next to the bed,"I got the order wrong. Yes, this is my room. No, we did not sleep together"She said, nodding with satisfactiont that she had finally gotten it right,"I don't know how you found this place, but when you did, you were heavily intoxicated and a little loopy. You started talking about an accident, then you started to cry"She said, her already rosy cheeks turning a deep scarlet,"After that you grabbed me and demanded we shag"She said, rubbing her arms as if she could still feel my grip,"Then you ran upstairs, took your clothing off, and fell asleep in my bed"

I chuckled, despite the effort making my brain pulse,"Thats quite a story"I murmured, reaching out for the metal bedpost as I steadied myself against the spinning world. Feeling a soft touch on my shoulder, tug me down to the bed, I searched for a point to stare at to calm myself

"Wow, your eyes were spinning like crazy. You need to take a breather"I heard Poppy's voice, finally choosing to focus on her face, the spot right above her eyebrow where she had the smallest of scars. Putting something hot in my hand, I looked down, my nose wrinkling at the boiling black coffee

"No thanks"I said, pushing the mug back in her direction

"You have to drink it. You know that spinning feeling, its called a hangover, this will help"She said, sounding like she was talking to a child

Rolling my eyes, which just made the turning worse, I scoffed,"I know what a hangover it, I've had many"I defended, grudgingly taking the coffee from her and sipping slowly at the piping hot liquid. The coffee slid my throat, tasting not unlike tar, which made me gag

Poppy's soft giggle was as sweet as sugar as she watched my reaction to the drink. She sat back on the braided rug, tucking her knees under her chin. I studied her intently as I continued to drink, noticing her yellow and green flannel robe, which hid a large shirt for the London Science Museum. Smirking as I took a long swig, I observed that she wasn't wearing any bottoms, or at least no shorts under. There was only a thin, cotton layer that separated me and her most guarded secret. 

Coughing again, it was obvious that she had seen the intent of my stare, yet she said nothing. Her hand slid under mine to take the coffee mug once I had finished, and she walked away, to another room I had to yet to explore. Sliding my pants on, my shirt soon to follow, I walked after her, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

Interestingly enough, there was only one other room. It was a kitchen in one corner, a breakfast nook in another, and a living room in the other half, only one element blending them all together. Books. They lay on the floor, between seat cushions, on top of the telly, wherever you looked, there was bound to be one near if not in that exact place. She smiled at me as I took in the slightly overwhelming scene, placing the mug in the almost full sink. Walking towards me, she bent over and picked up a grey cat

"This is Merlin"She said, sitting in a large leather recliner, the cat sitting contently on her lap. I sat on the couch across from her, staying in silence while she petted the green-eyed cat.

"You have the same eyes as my friend, Harry"She spoke to the cat, scratching him between his ears. 

I smiled as she mentioned me as her friend. Were we? I had helped her in an airport, grabbed her in a bar, carried books for her in the rain, assaulted her in her flat, did that qualify as a friendship? Merlin turned to me, its expression of pleasure as he accecpted Poppy's affectionate touches. She was right. We had similar eyes, green that melted into yellow. I wasn't sure whether I like being compared to a cat, but the way she loved the cat was something I would like to have, so I accepted the compliment graciously

"Sorry, about last night"I said, sliding closer to her

"No, I'm usually the friend who has to take care of the drunks. With friends like Avery and Tessa"She joked, a small smile stretching her lips

"Ah, I see. So I guess my barging in wasn't too much of a shock"

Poppy laughed, a sound clear and pleasing to my ears,"No, I was astounded. I'm normally with Tess or Avery when they're drunk, but you just came rushing in. Also, neither of them have ever asked me to sleep with them"She said, her blue eyes lighting up with amusement,"That I can recall"

I nodded, feeling slightly guilty, but happy at the same time. Happy that the memory could make her laugh, despite it being at my expense. I could feel her changing me, just a little bit. Normally, if someone had made fun of me, they would be out in moments. With her, as long as it made her laugh, I didn't care what it was about. 

Noticing the long pause, I escaped from the trance she had set me in, and viewed her expression. It was like she was waiting for something. Taking me a while to understand, I realized she had said something.

"Sorry, what was that?"I asked, running a hand through my curls and looking down at my watch

"You were starting at me"She stated bluntly, letting Merlin slide from her lap

"I was just thinking about how much I love you laugh"I admitted, smiling at the sight of her reddening cheeks. I would make her laugh, even if I had to hurt myself to do it. I would get Poppy to like me, not as friends, but truly like me. 

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